The most exciting thing that has happend this summer so far is that Samuel has potty trained. Well, I shouldn’t say potty trained because sometimes he doesn’t use the potty. I’ll explain.

When we went camping the end of May I decided that this would be a good chance for Samuel to learn how to get close to nature. So I took off the diaper, and let him “go commando”. This is something that my Aunt Joanna did for her kids on the farm. Teach them how to go while running around outside playing. “Go on that rock,” is what she said to her kids, and it worked remarkably well. I just forgot to include that part of the instructions because Samuel decided to be like the dog and mark his territory everywhere.
So now that he has potty trained, I now have to remind him that if he’s in the backyard playing, that he needs to come inside to go pee. In fact yesterday after dinner, Samuel finished his dinner then went outside. The rest of us were finishing up. One of the kids got up to clear their plate and went to the window to see where Samuel was. “He’s got his pants down again. Oh! He’s popping!” I sent Dave out to help Samuel. When Samuel came back inside I quietly and gently pulled him inside and told him that he really needs to be inside when he has to go pee or poop. “Understand?” He said yes. I asked him “Where do you go to pee and poop? “Inside.”
We’ll see if he actually remembers and follows instructions.