This was a weekend of firsts for our family. The first time that we watched General Conference live, streaming over the internet. (Why not the TV? About 6 months ago we canceled our cable TV because we never really watched it!)
Dave and I were so impressed with the quality of the picture that came over the internet. Wow! Sometimes I forgot that this was on the internet. (Aside from the fact that we were in the kitchen watching it on the iMac. But it sure did keep us awake watching it in hard kitchen chairs instead of on the comfy couches.)
It seemed the boys did listen to some of it as they asked questions about some things that were being said. So the novelty of watching on the computer did capture their attention. We’ll see how many conferences into the future that lasts for!

While listening/watching on Saturday, I had to get my jam project finished to use up the peaches that I got from a fund-raiser. I’ve usually only done jam at my sister’s house. So this was a first for me – doing it all on my own. I made 33 pints of Peach-Raspberry Jam, along with different variations of that recipe (including using Xylitol instead of sugar…we’ll see how that turns out.) But the initial batches seem to have turned out pretty well.
Dave went to the Priesthood Session with Dave, LaMont and his boys (Austin, Brandon) and afterwards went to the all-you-can eat Mongolian Grill in Springville. A very good place to eat, especially for growing teenage boys, and adult men trying to eat healthier! Dave came home and said how impressed he was with the talks.
For me (LaReita), the talk that really stood out (in the general sessions) was Sister Dibb’s talk about safety lines. The example she gave of the construction workers that chose not to use the safety gear was very powerful. As I thought about it through the week, I was so impressed with how many safety lines our Heavenly Father does give us. The list can go on and on.
It was a wonderful conference!