Ben’s Mission Report
Well the week has been great, the food is kind of killing me. I kind of just want a fresh can of beans. Man that sounds stupid. Anyways, you are probably wondering why this email is called what it is (I’m not repeating it because I think its spelled wrong).
We had a General Authority come, Mark L Pace, the General Sunday school president, and Amad S Corbit the first counselor of the young mens presidencia.
So as me and Elder Shmidt we’re walking out of the Comedor, the president of the CCM (Mexico MTC) asks if we can help him. So obviously we say no and go about our day.
Anyways he asks us to be the welcoming committee for them as it’s their first time in the CCM, so me and E Shmidt just kind of shake their hand, walk them to their house (that was 20 feet away) and then that was about it.
So then we are just chilling in the devotional and its over and we all stand, and the President points at me and tells me to get up there with him. I pointed at myself a couple times, and he nodded every time, so I shove E Shchmit who did not see him pointing at us and walk all the way up to the stand. It looked mad sus, with neither of us venting. Anyways as we get into that back room, the
President says to us, I’m so glad you could make it. Sorry for the no quotations, I’m on a mexican keyboard and it’s kinda broken.
So after that everyone wanted to talk to us because to everyone else it just looked like we walked up there just because we wanted to, or because we were trying to Assassinate them, which is what one kid told us.
So that was fun, and this is too long now, so I’ll end with a few things. Spanish is going well, but it’s completely different, the people here are cool, and I’ve decided to stop eating because I just can’t take cafeteria food anymore.
Love you all, and I can’t wait to give yall some cool stories, and more about the gospel. Also never take for granted real food. Here are some pics if you are interested. No context for you though, you did not eat all of your vegetables last night.