o my plan was for every area to be a season right, but man I’ve been here a while
Great week, highs, lows, difficulties, triumphs, love, hatred, violence, and romance.
Not a whole lot of the last three, but you get the idea
Madaline was babtised by Gabriel, and it was super great to see someone that God helped you bring the gospel to, in turn pay if forward and continue in the magnificent work of the Lord. It was a super spiritual experience.
I love my time here, and am so grateful for everything the Lord has given me.
Technically it’s that much, but in Chilean pesos. Anyways it’s nice to have more than 1 bathroom and 1 bedroom for 4 elders
Carla was babtised and confirmed a member of the Church!
It’s such a blessing to be able to see the work of the Lord happening right before our eyes, and to feel the Love that our Heavenly Father is pouring out for all of His children.
His love is always there, just reach out to the Son and feel His love.
Also listen to Flashes of Light by Steven Lund, and you will be able to recognize all of the miracles in your life that testify of the Love of our God.
Good week, tough at some points, and great at others. A friend of ours cooked us some empanadas, and they were really good
but it’s pretty cool that diseases don’t exist in South America, because man putting boxes of raw chicken in the fridges is just a hassle. The ground is so much more convenient
I’ve got an experience that I want to share tho, I don’t send much back so if you’ll read this one I would appreciate it
It was a scorching hot Sunday afternoon, and me and E. Camacho were dead beat after the morning. We left early in the morning to pick up all of our friends for church at 9. Our bikes are broken, so it’s a ways to get to our sector. Church was great, but it’s very frustrating when the ward ignores our friends who are going to be baptized next week, and instead decides to pester you about their tupperware that you returned a month ago.
More frustrating things happened, but I don’t really want to get into the details of everything.
We end up finding ourselves in front of the house of a member, attempting to retrieve a jenga set for a lesson. They weren’t answering their door, and after knocking about 4 times I wanted to leave. But I had the impression to knock once more. And so I did. … Nothing. Knock again. … Nothing. Knock again. … Nothing. Knock again. And at this point I’m just feeling really stupid and like I’m bothering the neighbors.
But then they came and opened the door, and they gave us some ice cream. This was the inflection point of the day, and everything after this just went well. Which really doesn’t seem like a big thing but it was something that I needed, and something that God knew I needed. Just like with Peter, He asked those three times, and for me as well, He asked if I would follow Him three times as well. Trials are for growth, if you are uncomfortable, that means you are growing.
Get in the groove of going uphill
New year, woah, I haven’t eaten since last year. Man this fast seems long
Trying to bring people to church and teach them about the truth. Time is passing a little faster than I had anticipated, and I don’t think it’s because my watch is broken (brought two, both broke)
Everyday we have an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, so just do the little things that the Spirit prompts you to do. He is always there, always nudging, so just listen.