After a very long time, many lessons, and much patience and dare I say long suffering, Henry and Jairo were baptized!!!
It was something very special to see because at this point we have become as close as brothers. It has been very amazing to see the change in the lessons an in our friends when we really focus on saving their souls, through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Love Yall!!!
Alonso got Babtised!! It was so amazing to see a family that wants to come back to the fold, and it’s so great that we can help play a part in that. Also he is hilarious haha.
Did a skit for a ward activity, that’s why the jerseys
Zone conference, that was really fun Also make sure you study your scriptures, and take the opportunity daily to feast on the Word of the Lord. Moses 6:59-60. Be made whole in Christ
Love you all so much!!
Great week, kinda smokey, our area catches on fire a lot. Don’t think they have Smokey the Bear here.
I’ve learned to embrace the words “It’ll buff” and “Its not that deep”
Sharing a scripture of the restoration in Amos 8, and by divine intervention the family that we were sharing with just happened to read that very scripture in their family study the night before.
Look at the 3 miricals that are there; 1) That they read scriptures 2) That they read the one they needed to 3) And most importantly, that they have a loving family with a Mother and Father centered in Christ
I love you so much, and more importantly the Lord does too.