It is finally the end of my 13 month summer, so I am very excited
Been working and stuff, got some plans for next week, and got news that after 7 months in my first area, I might be moved.
Easter was amazing, great time to testify to everyone that Jesus broke the bands of Death, and did everything so that we can return to live with Him in the Presence of the Father (See Alma 7)
Did a ward activity of internarional desserts, very fun, put about a whole kilo of sugar and about a whole pound of butter into the brownies that I made to represent the Diabetic States of America.
*United, my b, autocorrect
General conference was baller, and we are getting ready for some upcoming events here! (Insert Excited emoji)
Love the work, it’s now my 13th month of summer, but it’s starting to cool down a bit and I am very very happy
It was 5.5, so a lot by my standards at least. One memember that we talked to didn’t even stop her work out for it. But man, we did hear a lot about how much bigger other Chilean earthquakes have been.
I was in the bathroom when it happened, and frankly, after a great shock and scare like that I haven’t had to go since then.
Other stuff happend, trying to find, and teach, you know, mission stuff.
It’s a great opportunity to testify of the truthfulness of the gospel all day every day, and I am so very grateful for this time to spread Gods love in Chile
I hope you can see the video because dang it’s wild. I have no idea where all these horses keep coming from, or frankly how they live in a desert.
Good week, helping some people prepare for babtism.
Every once in a while we will see this guy on the street, his name is NoNo. As in his brothers name is YesYes. Still haven’t meet MaybeMaybe yet, but I’ve got hope.
It is wonderful that the Lord Jesus Christ should care for me enough to die for me. And to make a way back possible.
Love you all!!
Hello everyone!! This week was a great week, full of things happening. We met a new family, just this week and they came to church!! Afterwards they said that they loved the feeling of peace that is present.
Listened to a BYU devotional called Wrestling with Comparisons, and I would highly recommend it.
The Love of the Lord is always here for us, and he will always help us find the way. What does He ask of us, after He has given us everything? Live like His Son.
Love you all!!