Anthony had his unique 2020 graduation today. It was a drive-by graduation. We drove up to the platform, Anthony hopped out walked across the stage, received his diploma, posed for pictures and hopped back into the car.
Video of Anthony receiving his diploma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8ry7j2K-hg#t=1h11m18s (about 15 seconds of Anthony)
James had a dream a while ago that he arrived home and there was no one to meet him at the airport. His flight arrived 30 minutes early this morning and there was no one there to meet him. We got there about 30 minutes after he arrived. We were suppose to meet him on the 2nd level of the short term parking garage at the Salt Lake airport, but we couldn’t get the van on to the 2nd level because of the bike racks on the roof. So we had to park on level 1 and get out and go up the stairs to level 2 to meet him.
The reunion was very joyous and his mom cried. He was surprised to see how much his brothers had grown and got a long hug from Ammon. We told James that we were going to help him get used to non-missionary life by picking up some chicks on the way home. We stopped by the farm (which is also a petting zoo) but the chicks were not ready. We petted the animals, held baby bunnies and fed baby goats. Then drove home.
The boys had fun showing James all the changes in Spanish Fork over the past two years, and more fun showing off all the changes in our house over the years – new deck, wood floor in the living room, hall bathroom remodel, new carpet on the stairs and in the upstairs bedroom, newly painted upstairs bedroom, new Lazy-boy chairs in the basement, and Julles game closet. Julles worked from home today so she could greet James when he arrived.
LaReita also had a sign company put up a huge sign in the front yard. Tonight we’ll play some games as a family, then have dinner. At 7pm the ward youth are going to do a drive-by to welcome James home.
Wow. It’s really here. I can’t believe it. My last Email. Technically I could do one more, but I’m probably gonna be packing most of next Monday. The 2 years I’ve spent in Oregon serving the Lord have been the best 2 years not just of my life, but for my life.
I have been able to see other people change and come to accept Jesus Christ, and I’ve been able to see myself change, and I have been able to come closer to Christ. No greater lesson could be learned. 2 Nephi 9:17 Talks about the graciousness and glory of God! How wonderful, if you haven’t felt or thought about that this week, I invite you to. Take some time, do some pondering. Find where you have felt of God’s love for you. John 3:16 also testifies of this.
Well, I would love to say and tell more, but words can’t quite express what I wish too. Also I’m hungry and looking at this Chipotle gift card (Thanks Mom!) See ya in a week.
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky
Sorry for not emailing last week, but not much happened. the same can be said for this week, sort of, but I still need to write an email, I’ll feel bad if I don’t.
5: Zone Conference! Because we are not allowed to see people anymore, the way that we are going to be doing Zone Conference is over Zoom. It was a mess at first, but we got it figured out. I’m not a fan because I miss seeing my friends, but oh well. We are to continue the work in any way that we can, circumstances will not stop us.
4: General Conference!! How cool was that? President Nelson was right, it truly was unforgettable! I really liked how President Nelson introduced a symbol for our church. After 200 years (technically 190 but whatever) we have something that we can rally around. I look forward to all the different ways that the symbol of Christ will be used in the future. I also really loved the proclamation of the Restoration. It is the essentials of everything that we talk about with the restoration! Super cool.
3: Face masks? Are we that far gone? This morning we were instructed to always be wearing face masks when out in public. I don’t like it, but the instruction comes from the bretheren, so who am I to fight it?
2: Hehe, milsurp Because Elder Line and I are really bored, and are not going to see any missionaries today, we decided to stop by the Military Surplus store for the fun of it. I low-key wanted to get a gas mask, but they were all upwards of $40. So I did the next best thing, and bought a bag! A gas mask bag! It even has a little holder for a oxygen tank. Pretty cool, and only $8! Also saw a neat combat helmet and had to take a pic.
1: Dating and temple marriage? I don’t like ‘MyPlan’ When missionaries are going home, they do a 6 week course that prepares them for life after (mission) death. It’s been pretty good so far, got me thinking about school, employment, institute, all that. But this week is the one I’ve been dreading. Dating and temple marriage is going to put the nail in the coffin for me, forcing me to realize I’m going home. For the past 2 years, whenever I’ve talked to a girl, I’ve always thought; “Is talking to her going to get me in trouble?” So for me to stop thinking that way is going to be a big indicator that I won’t be a missionary for much longer. Although it’s ending, I’ve loved what I have been able to do for the Lord, the people of Oregon, and Myself. I don’t remember where I heard it, but someone said; “A mission isn’t just the best 2 years of your life, it’s the best 2 years FOR your life.” And I couldn’t agree more. I am so ready to serve the Lord in a different way, and am incredibly grateful to have done what I have. I love you, and Jesus loves you.
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky