Gearing upMom and Julles loading up their gunsSam ready to fightBen ready to goAnthony and MomBen ready for round 2James and MomJulles, Sam and AnthonyThe group finishes up
Cloe and Sam and lots of ramen (9/3/2021)Jacob chowing downAnthony shows the strength of bitcoin (9/6/2021)Family lunch at Don Chueys in Payson, UT (9/6/2021)Pep poster for Ben (9/6/2021)Jacob in front of safe door at friend home (9/29/2021)
Ben and Ammon building another sand castleCousin Savanah (Ade) buries JacobMom gets a ride with cousin RyanBen chilling with a brewski (bottle found on the beach)Sam rests after trying water skiing – Jacob in backgroundAnthony, Jacob and Savanah (Ade) hold down the pop-up during a micro-burst stormRyan, Anthony and Jacob hang onSam helps to pack up the truck – too stormy – let’s get our of hereBen get’s packed inRelaxing in the Air-BnB
Early morning balloon launch – Jacob, Mom, AmmonAmmon learning about hauling waterAmmon and big brother JamesPatriotic vehicles – no boys, you cant take one homeRelaxing at home around a fire
Ammon reading (4/1/2021)Ammon inside the frame of the Scout snow cave (4/11/2021)View 2Ammon and Julles’ dog E (4/16/2021)Sam shows his pig “Crispy” in the FFA exhibit (4/29/2021)Buff Berky Boy Club modeling shirts Mom and Dad got them from Hawaii (4/29/2021)Ben trying out his blow gun from Hawaii (4/29/2021)
Sold the old van today (4/11/2021)One last picture – thanks for the memoriesGrandpa Henry’s Harley – time to pass it along (4/29/2021)Side viewOne of the few Harley-Davidson gas powered golf carts
Ammon practicing piano (1/6/2021)A car board game David & LaReita played on a weekend get-away (1/16/2021)LaReita, Dave, Sam and Jacob chillin after church (1/17/2021)Sam posing with the Maple Mountain HS Marching Band’s trophies – in the Asian pagoda prop (1/19/2021)Ammon and other boys cleaning sacrament trays (1/24/2021)Dave, James, Anthony & LaReita at dinner (1/26/2021)