On May 7th, James went on his first 11 year old Scout Camp Out with his patrol (scout troop). Dad (David) got to go with him and they went to the Palisades Park south of Manti, UT. James was feeling a bit sick on the ride there, and shortly after dinner threw-up. The other scouts nick-named him the “chunky monkey” on honor of his contribution to the campsite – a name James repeated with pride throughout the rest of the camp out. The next day we worked on knots and lashings and took a nature trail hike around the small lake that is in the park.
This picture is of the way NOT to pack your 11 y/o scouts for a camp out:
The next week, May 14th, was the Diamond Fork District Spring Camporee. Since the 11 y/o patrol had just gone on a camp out the previous week, just James and David went to the Spring Camporee. There James earned 2 merit badges Aviation and Space Exploration. David and James shared a tent and had trouble cooking their hamburgers that night because it was so windy. After a presentation about aviation, in the evening, they returned to their camp site and were able to cook their dinner – then went straight to bed.
There were more presentations and activities the next day to help the scouts complete their Aviation merit badge. James had prepared materials and done home work for the Space Exploration badge as well and was the only scout at the camp out (that we know of) who was able to get his Space Exploration badge signed off.
alex has come and it has been so exciting!!
We have been telling him all the past shtuff that we can remember. He also went with us to the Oquirrh (“Oker”) temple dedication.