Every year around Utah Valley 5th and 6th graders learn songs and participate in a wonderful patriotic program – “Hope of America”. It is part of the Freedom Festival that Provo puts on every year. One of the largest 4th of July celebrations in the country. Basically lasts from April to July. Lately whenever I’m at an event where the National Anthem is sung, I get very teary eyed and choke up. Every year I gain a greater and greater love for our country.

James has loved being in choir this year for this very thing. In fact, the practice CD that he brought home is one of Anthony’s favorites. One of the songs Anthony piped up, “This is my favorite one!” and he sang right along. When I told my mom about this program she said, “Oh good! I’ll get to go to things like this soon!” We are excited to have her up here soon enjoying her grandkids.
During the program there were also other performers, including a group of grandmas ages 50-94 that got out and danced on the dance floor! It was amazing! I bet if Aunt Dawna wasn’t in a wheel chair with polio, she would have been one of those grandmas out there! Dave said, “They should get a group out there with their Jazzy’s (brand of motorized wheelchairs) and do a choreographed thing!” Also on this performance, Jacob was totally jamming out! It was so fun to see him so excited. He loves anything that is music and moving. But he’s 2 – so that’s to be expected. 🙂
Also was a dedication to our soldiers who fight for our freedoms. At the end of that dedication, Benjamin (7 years old) leans over to dad and says in a very serious tone, “Dad. When I grow up I’m either going to be a miner or an army guy.” I smiled. Well, it would probably be safer to be an army guy! Benjamin being in the military is something that I’ve always known might happen anyhow. One of those things that you can just sense with your child. Maybe he’ll be in army intelligence with his Chinese language abilities! (Though he certainly wouldn’t be able to go on recon missions with his blonde hair!)
I’m looking forward to the next one in 2 years from now when Anthony will be in 5th grade and participate in the choir. And mom will be able to come to it too!