Napping James

I was born on General Conference Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999. My mom remembers President Gordon B. Hinckley making an announcement that the Nauvoo temple was going to be rebuilt. In fact, she didn’t hear this information herself. She had fallen asleep, but when she woke up and asked family members what she missed, they told her about the Nauvoo temple. She didn’t believe them because this had been a long awaited 2nd coming prophecy to be fulfilled. She thought her joking husband (my dad) was pulling her leg. She asked the nurses, and they confirmed it. I was blessed on June 13, 1999.
When I was 2 1/2 years old my parents, little baby brother and I traveled to the east coast for the baptism of my cousin Jessica. We happened to be in New York City on the 6 month anniversary of 9/11. (We were there 3/11/2002.) My mom and dad remembered seeing a giant stream of light shoot up past the hotel windows. Also on that trip we went to Washington DC. A year later (August 2003) we returned for a fun trip to visit my Aunt Jenny and Uncle Dan in New Jersey. My cousins and I also went to Six Flags on that trip.
I was baptized and confirmed into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on May 2007. I also remember walking into the girls bathroom on accident and running out when I realized I was in the wrong place. I remember the water being cold. My mom remembers me telling her, “I feel like a new person.” I would say that over and over again. When I was confirmed I did feel warm and fuzzy inside. All my family and cousin came, including my best friend Carlos and his family.
The start of my Scouting career got a jump start with my Arrow of Light on March 10, 2010. By August 2010 I received my Scouter rank. The next few months was a montage of “Get your Scout stuff done” and Pow Wows and Camps. By December of 2010 I had received my Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st class. I would have also received my Star rank, but my scout leader didn’t count my 6 months of leadership properly. The neat thing about all these ranks is that they have the 100 year celebration on them. I finally earned my Star rank in March 2011. It’s one year later I’m still a Star. I need to do more work.
The highlight of my life thus far was being ordained to the office of a deacon and gaining the Aaronic Priesthood on April 10, 2011. Shortly thereafter I became the secretary in the deacon’s quorum. (Just like my dad is usually secretary.) I once again felt warm and fuzzy inside. This was the Holy Ghost telling me that this is The Church of Jesus Christ.
I am hungry
L-R James is “Seth” from Fablehaven, Anthony is a ninja, Benjamin is an army dude (of course), Samuel ninja, and Jacob is Thomas the Tank Engine (of course!) Jacob was really starting to get the hang of it, though he only lasted for about 1 hour. The others were out for 2 hours!
Oh, the other thing about James that you can’t see is that James wanted his hair to be dirty blonde so he got it highlighted. And since he has natural highlights of RED from his Dad’s side, guess what the highlighting did for his hair! Made it a beautiful light red! (and he was too impatient to let the hair stylist dry the hair and make sure it was the color he wanted.) So we’ll have a red head for a few months!
On the final day we hit all the rapids perfectly again. We all got to take turns commanding our big raft and the small rafts (called ‘duckies’). We had steer through a rapid & deliver water. In the big raft was 5 gallon water containers, and we had to serve water to the people in the other rafts.
The 3 Merit Badges we earned were Rowing, White water rafting, and canoeing.
To earn the Rowing we had to row the big boat.
To earn the White Water Rafting we had to steer through rapids, flip the boat, and get back on.
To earn the canoeing we had to flip the duckie and get back on.
Some kids had a hard time doing these things.
But we did it quite well, even better than some of the older troops. (We were a 12 year old scout patrol.)
The river guide, Kim, said I was the best steer-er that she had. Steve, the guy in the water boat, said that I was better than all of the other scouts that he had previously, including the 18 year olds. Dad even verified this with them, and they weren’t just saying that. They really meant it.
So maybe I’ll be a River Guide someday!
The next few days seemed to blur together. We had to flip the boat & get back in. We got to play the trust game. Go over rapids, eat dinner tell scary stories, wake up and do it all over again. One day we at lunch we made a slide out of a flipped boat and slid into the river, at lunch we also played the paddle game. We had fights and invaded the other boats
Brian wanted to eat this but could not because the other 18 year olds ate it.