The Berky Scout boysSuper-Scouter momJames pins on the Mothers PinFatthers PinGrandfathers PinJames and Mom (and Ammon)Former Bishop Walker, James, current Bishop SlackFormer Scoutmaster WernerJames and Aunt JullesJames takes the cakeCaesar, Carlos (friends), Ben, Kooper (friend), AnthonyBen and KooperMom and her brother, Uncle LaMontIrma (Carlos and Ceasar’s mom), Carlos, Kooper, James, Grandma Berky
Sam and Ammon helping to clear the “hill” in the back yardJames loading dirt into the trailerAnthony and Ben dig a hole for a new tree – Grandpa Berky supervisesGrandpa Berky pitches in with Ben, Sam, Anthony and JamesTransferring the dirt to Uncle LaMont’s house into his chicken runJacob, Sam, cousin Matt and Ammon on the trampolineJacob, Sam and cousin Matt
Overnight campout at Jolly Ranch outside of Mapleton. Lots of snow – great chance to try out our new structured-snow-caves. Sam’s first campout as an 11 year old.
Roomy inside, ribbed walls and ceiling, room for 3 adults or 4 kidsBen walks across the topNice and strong, holds Anthony, James and SamBuilt three of them, 1 for adults, 2 for scoutsOur camp site, snow, snow, snowBen emergesSam can’t wait for Benjamin to get the fire going