10: A new area!Now that I am in my 3rd area, I am no longer considered a ‘new missionary!’
9: A STOVE!!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Now that I am in a normal apartment, I have an actual kitchen instead of a cabinet and a microwave. The only hard part is that it’s not well stocked, so I’m going to be buying some basic kitchen stuff in these next couple of weeks.
8: Late Mexicans let me play the cello! We share a ward with the Spanish elders, so we have shared dinners, and they were late, so I got a chance to play the ‘decorative’ cello that the Andersen’s had sitting on top of their China cabinet. Unfortunately the G and the D string were wack, and I didn’t want to mess with the pegs too much, so I just played the two outside strings. Plenty of fun, I definitely regret not keeping up with that?

7: Can you break into a sisters apartment? As we were getting out of a dinner on Saturday, we got a call from the sisters, who informed us they had locked themselves out of their apartment, and that they will need some help breaking in later that night. So, at about 9:30 we headed over to the sisters apartment, (they live in the same complex as us) and tried to card their door. No luck. So we went and got the 5th ward elders, because they know how to card a door. Turns out, the sisters door is situated in a way that it can’t be carded. So elder Simper and i head around back, make sure no one is watching, because this would be a difficult situation to explain to the police. After trying the back door, the kitchen window, to no avail we noticed that there is a bedroom window, we asked the sisters if it was locked, and they said no. Bingo! So we yeeted elder Tarazon up to the overhang, and he cut open the screen, slid the window open, and fell through. This whole ordeal took till 10:45

6: Our ward has… problems. There’s not too much I can say about this without disclosing sensitive information, but this will be interesting, not being sure if I want to bring people to church. Yeah, at least I’m not a Spanish elder.
5: lots of board games! Elder Tarazon loves his board games, so in our down hours we have been playing Catan, (pirates and explorers expansion) and boss monster. Lots of fun, especially with more than 2 players.

4: morning racquetball! This morning we played racquetball with President Lowry, the mission presidents 1st councilor. Lots of fun, but has reminded me that I need to start running for morning exercise.
3: I almost forgot my new companion! Elder Tarazon! He’s from Gilbert AZ, and has been out for ~17 months. We get along well, a little too well sometimes, and while we are talking over breakfast notice that we should be out and about. Oops. We are going to be working on that.

2: Biscuits and gravy cook off! Not really a cook off, but elder simper and I are going to compare biscuits and gravy recipes tomorrow. Will be fun!

1: D&C 138 is dope! I love you all, and am doing well in my new area.
If anyone wants to know my address it’s; #### apt # aster Springville OR, 97478
Ya boi, Elder Berky