The biggest news I have;
WE FINALLY HAVE A CAR!! But that’s not all, so let’s get talking about the week.
7: The Car An area in our zone got combined, which meant there was an extra car floating around. We got it, and are in a car-share with the other Coos Bay ward. Now we can finally go out and do some good work, not plan the whole dang day around as few trips into town as possible.

6: Exchanges I wasn’t going to put this in, because I thought we had exchanges last week. I’m all turned upside-down right now. Dunno what I’m thinking.But yeah, we had exchanges, I went with Elder Hyer, we set up some things with our people, and did some street contacting.
5: A Cursed Experience As Edler Hyer and I were walking, I noticed some papers on a pole. Thinking they were a missing child poster I checked them out, but it was actually screenshots of a youtube video. What were the videos about? Olympic gymnasts. No information other than that. Weird right? Right as I was figuring this out, a middle-aged crackhead wearing big snowgoggles walked up, more papers in hand. He began to staple them to the pole, and I asked him what he was doing. “Did something happen to these girls?” The man looked at me through his colossal snowgoggles, “No” he replied, putting another girl’s motion-blurred face up. “So why put these screenshots up?” I asked. “It’s better than sleeping with ’em” giant snowgoggles replied. I… I……. I had nothing. I’m usually pretty quick when it comes to responding to stuff, weird or otherwise. But this caught me like the French after the 3rd Reich walked in through Belguim.”Can’t argue with that” was the only thing I could say as we walked away. My boy Hyer turned to me after we were out of earshot, and said “That was the most Cursed Experience I have ever had.” I would most certainly agree.
4: Church is cancelled Yesterday, instead of going to church near us, we got a ride all they way out to Coquille. It was good, a nice ride, and some good talks by the Coquille elders. But supporting Elder Larsen and Young wasn’t the reason we drove 30 minutes to church. It’s because our building flooded. That’s right, the ocean has heaved above it’s shores, with nothing to hold it back it raced inland and…I’m just kidding, a waterline broke. There’s been fans running all Friday, but the carpet near the kitchen is still sopping. The solution? Shut off the water for the whole dang building. This meant that church had to be cancelled. Probably because bathrooms don’t work. Which sucked because Vera and Linda were going to come to church. Well, there’s always next week.
3: I thought the floor was just that dark. We got a dollar mop, because I’m tired of our floors being slightly sticky. As we began mopping the kitchen, the floor was changing color. It was really gross, but it had to be done, who knows the last time it had been properly scrubbed? Then we started to work on the bathroom, and a similar situation occurred. So Elder Clark and I said, ‘Screw it, today is a cleaning day’ Changed out of proselyting clothes, and deep cleaned the whole dang apartment. It’s so much nicer now. Don’t know why we waited this long. Ugh. The dollar store mop was just as bad as you would expect, but because it was a dollar I did not complain.
2: The Future of Groceries! Safeway has this cool program where they will deliver groceries right to your door, and Elder Clark has an even cooler mom who will do that for him. I’m so thankful for that, because she covered some of the costlier necessities, leaving room in our budgets for other things, like different cheeses (so I can try out which cheese makes the best grilled cheese), nice dishwasher soap, some air fresheners so our apartment doesn’t smell like bleach from our cleaning spree, etc. Thank you Mama Clark! <3
1: Why weren’t you here yesterday?? After Elder Clark had put Linda’s car back together, we set up for a lesson on Thursday. Come Thursday, we walked up the hill to go teach Linda about the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we knocked on her door, she was kinda upset with us. She had been sitting out all day yesterday, waiting for us. Linda had thought that Wednesday was Thursday, and Thursday was Friday. After she realized her mistake she was in a much better mood. We taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and she loved it. She had something to add to everything we talked about, it was more of a discussion than a lesson. We extended a baptismal invitation, and she said yes, but she needed to receive answers to a few questions she had. That’s great, we said. That’s what your baptism should be. not just a thing to do because you should, but because you know and love the Lord.
Ya Boi
Elder Berky