Benjamin’s Arrow of Light

Benjamin earned his Arrow of Light award, the highest award given in Cub Scouting.

Ben and Cub Master Jason Lecike
Presented with a ceremonial arrow by dad (David) with mom (LaReita) looking on
Benjamin walks across the bridge from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts (and is properly carrying his arrow for safety)
Benjamin receives his Boy Scout neckerchief from his (demon) Scoutmaster

James TimeLine Biography for Genealogy MB

I was born on General Conference Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999. My mom remembers President Gordon B. Hinckley making an announcement that the Nauvoo temple was going to be rebuilt. In fact, she didn’t hear this information herself. She had fallen asleep, but when she woke up and asked family members what she missed, they told her about the Nauvoo temple. She didn’t believe them because this had been a long awaited 2nd coming prophecy to be fulfilled. She thought her joking husband (my dad) was pulling her leg. She asked the nurses, and they confirmed it. I was blessed on June 13, 1999.

When I was 2 1/2 years old my parents, little baby brother and I traveled to the east coast for the baptism of my cousin Jessica. We happened to be in New York City on the 6 month anniversary of 9/11. (We were there 3/11/2002.) My mom and dad remembered seeing a giant stream of light shoot up past the hotel windows. Also on that trip we went to Washington DC. A year later (August 2003) we returned for a fun trip to visit my Aunt Jenny and Uncle Dan in New Jersey. My cousins and I also went to Six Flags on that trip.

I was baptized and confirmed into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on May 2007. I also remember walking into the girls bathroom on accident and running out when I realized I was in the wrong place. I remember the water being cold. My mom remembers me telling her, “I feel like a new person.” I would say that over and over again. When I was confirmed I did feel warm and fuzzy inside. All my family and cousin came, including my best friend Carlos and his family.

The start of my Scouting career got a jump start with my Arrow of Light on March 10, 2010. By August 2010 I received my Scouter rank. The next few months was a montage of “Get your Scout stuff done” and Pow Wows and Camps. By December of 2010 I had received my Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st class. I would have also received my Star rank, but my scout leader didn’t count my 6 months of leadership properly. The neat thing about all these ranks is that they have the 100 year celebration on them. I finally earned my Star rank in March 2011. It’s one year later I’m still a Star. I need to do more work.

The highlight of my life thus far was being ordained to the office of a deacon and gaining the Aaronic Priesthood on April 10, 2011. Shortly thereafter I became the secretary in the deacon’s quorum. (Just like my dad is usually secretary.) I once again felt warm and fuzzy inside. This was the Holy Ghost telling me that this is The Church of Jesus Christ.

I am hungry

FindACode in News of the Weird

News of the Weird

Truth: There is (or is going to be) a code for anything and everything now when it comes to documenting injuries. Going from 18,000 codes to 140,000 codes will require extensive searching requirements with the help of a computer and internet access.

Truth: Dave’s company is at the forefront of filling this emerging need for coders in the health care industry set to start October 2013.

Truth: Making coding fun and interesting is not an easy task, but they have spent some resources on YouTube videos and a prank April Fool’s joke of “X-Codes”.

Truth: Find-A-Code was recently included in a WallStreet Journal article about the new ICD-10-CM/PCS code set.

From the Wall Street Journal article:

One medical-coding website operator, Find A Code LLC, has created a series of YouTube videos with the tagline, “Yeah, there’s a code for that.” Snow White biting the poisoned apple, the firm says, may be a case of T78.04, “anaphylactic shock due to fruits and vegetables (see codes).” On April 1, the company posted a document with the secret “X-codes” to describe medical conditions stemming from encounters with aliens.

Truth: Using these YouTube videos and “X-Codes” has been a good ice-breaker for potential clients who are embracing Find-A-Code as their source for data.

Truth: Today in the Salt Lake Tribune, section A2, in News of the Weird, someone didn’t finish their fact-checking regarding the “X-Codes” and/or realize that the document was released on
April 1.

Fiction: Codes that cover conditions from encounters with extraterrestrials.

Truth: Codes that document conditions from “burn due to water skis on fire”. (See our YouTube video of that.)

Truth: Our YouTube video clips all start out with “Yeah, there’s a code for that.”

Truth: The title of this article is “They’ve got a code for that”

They didn’t mention Find A Code specifically, but we thank them for the free publicity! For those searching for a coding source, they will find FindACode.

Because a client said “See you at…”

Because a little bug went kachoo

By David
(Based on the book “Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo” by Rosetta Stone (Dr. Seuss?))

Because a client said “See you at HIMSS on Monday,”
We scrambled to find out what HIMSS was.

Because we found out HIMSS was the worlds largest health care IT conference,
We decided to go.

Because we had enough money in the account,
We were able to go.

Because we were able to go,
We saw 1200 health care information technology vendors and associations.

Because we saw so many vendors and associations,
We decided to meet as many as we could.

Because we were meeting the vendors and associations,
We met the local chapter of AAHAM, the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management.

Because we met the friendly folks of AAHAM,
We were invited to speak at their next conference in Las Vegas.

Because we accepted their invitation,
We prepared a presentation and set up a booth at the AAHAM convention.

Because we had created some great ICD-10 tools,
Wyn and LaMont were able to put together an interesting presentation.

Because Wyn and LaMont gave such a great presentation,
A person from a HUGE potential client was impressed.

Because this person was impressed,
She asked us if we could provide ICD-10 tools for her company’s clients.

Because we started providing ICD-10 tools for her company’s clients,
… (to be continued)

Now the main question is: Were all these incidences merely coincidences?
Or can you see the hand of the Lord in all things?

We can!  (Plus maybe some help from St. Henry.)

Dave’s mustache

Dave's artificial mustache due to a shaving incident
Dave's artificial mustache due to a shaving incident

The charger cord to Dave’s razor got lost during the summer time. So for the past couple months he’s been having me shave him with a regular razor. Though this morning I took off part of his upper lip. OUCH. So bad that he had to have a band-aid on it for a couple days. This picture is the first day. He said with that classic teasing twinkle in his eye, “I’m so tempted to get a marker and color it in black.” I said, “Let’s do it!” He even went into the office that day and got quite a few chuckles from the crew.
The charger cord to Dave’s razor got lost during the summer time. So for the past couple months he’s been having me shave him with a regular razor. Though this morning I took off part of his upper lip. OUCH. So bad that he had to have a band-aid on it for a couple days. This picture is the first day. He said with that classic teasing twinkle in his eye, “I’m so tempted to get a marker and color it in black.” I said, “Let’s do it!” He even went into the office that day and got quite a few chuckles from the crew.