Dave: At an overnight campout with the scouts I had forgotten the charcoal for the dutch ovens (actually I mistakenly brought a bag of lime powder that was also white and blue like the Kingsford charcoal bag I was aiming for). So I had the dutch oven with the peach cobbler dessert in the fire pit to cook. When you cook the dutch oven with charcoals the oven’s handle stays somewhat cool. When you cook directly in the fire the handle gets a bit hotter. Despite wearing leather gloves, when I reached into the fire to pull the oven out by the handle, I soon realized that the handle was much hotter than I’d expected. So I had a choice to either drop the oven back into the fire and risk spoiling the dessert or “take one for the team” and carefully lift it out of the fire pit and set it on the ground. This is the result of my decision: