Ammon on a walk with Grandma Grace (6/7/2018)Ammon in front of a tree with really big leaves (6/12/2018)Mom performing in a beautiful church (6/16/2018)Ready, play (6/16/2018)Catching a movie (6/16/2018)Mom too (6/16/2018)Ammon helping to clean the shower (6/19/2018)New firepit (6/20/2018)Moved stuff from garage into new shed (6/20/2018)Ammon at swim lessons (6/20/2018)James arrives at his mission – Mission president and wife (6/20/2018)James mission call letter (6/20/2018)First apartment and companion (6/20/2018)Meal at a member’s house (6/22/2018)Ben helping a neighbor clean out their garage (6/23/2018)
3 cars in the garage – it’s been years! (6/24/2018)
James, Anthony, Ben, Ammon, Sam, David, JacobMom and JamesJames and Julles at the Provo TempleMom, James, DadRyan, James, Grandma Anne Berky, Grandpa Roger BerkyAnthony, James and BenGoodbye hugs
James and Grandma GraceBirthday DinnerLoves from JamesBirthday CookieAmmon and big brother AnthonyPlaying t-ball with Grandpa BerkyThe boys all dressed up
James and cousin AlexJames and cousin Karolyn and her friend KennyGrandpa Berky, cousin Braden, Grandma Berky, cousin Ryan, Aunt JuneJulles and KyKy, Julles, Ruxpin, RyanJames going through his comic books, friend Carlos, cousin AlexBen taking a nap in the cousin’s bunkhouseUncle David Lewis, cousin Brandon, friend Irma, Aunt Kris LeavittUncle/Pitmaster David LewisJacob plays cards with cousins Maddi and Matt, Daves (Uncle and Father)Had a little problem with the deck – Dad and Uncle Lamont continue to attempt to grill
The bank vaultThe safety deposit boxes – Jacob in the red hat on the leftBank officesAmbulanceInside the ambulanceGrabbing some ice creamMom, Jacob and lunch in the parkTouring city hallIn the city council roomStories in the library