Soooo, Conference is going to going to be the majority of what I put in here, cause it’s the biggest thing. (I’m excited for 2 hour church)
10: I’ve said 2 hour church a few times now, so I’m going to talk about it. I don’t just like it cause it’ll be shorter, but rather that the gospel will be taught more in homes. That’s the real important thing. Members will have more focused gospel resources to study and teach at home. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say I want shorter church, 1 o’clock church is a killer.
9: It has been a rather rainy week, which has been real great, cause I really don’t like the heat. But it really does make it hard to get up in the morning. Everything’s just so dark, you really just want to roll over and keep sleeping. But That’s not what I’m here for, I’ve got to get better at that.
8:We have been having “exchanges” with Medford 3rd. But they haven’t really been exchanges, more like sleepovers at their apartment, to “conserve miles for district meeting” We do use up plenty of miles just getting to district meeting, (Gold Hill is about 15 minutes away from the stake center) so we’ve been justifying hanging out with them, and playing card games.
7: But we actually did a real exchange with Medford 3rd on Tuesday, and it was super cool. Elder Helser (He’s a new missionary from Gilbert!) and I went up to talk to a guy who moved into Medford 3rd’s area, but is staying at his parent’s place in our area. (Ya, weird) He’s on date, but has a problem with smoking. We knew that going in, but we didn’t know that he was so done that he agreed to rip up his cigs and soak them in water in front of us. Yeah, that was super cool. He then wanted us to get rid of all his reminders of his smoking habit, and gave us his ashtrays to chuck. Yeah. This dude is legit as all get out.
6: On the other hand of our exchanges, Elder Randall and Jeanselme went to go teach Bianca law of chastity. That’s fun enough, but it gets even better when y’all learn that Bianca has a crush on Elder Randall. HAHAA!! They went over everything, and Bianca was super embarrased. Super funny.
5: Talked to this one kid on his doorstep for about an hour about video games. That was fun, and apparently I need to play dark souls. Nobody let me forget that when I get home. Gotta play dark souls.
4: One night Elder Jeanselme decided to just keep repeating my name in a crappy southern accent. Over and over and over. Needless to say, it got annoying pretty fast. But because I have five younger brothers I know how to deal with annoying. So I just locked myself in the room and listened to music/journaled while he kept going “Hey Elder BUUrrrKAY” for about an hour. This went on so long, and I wasn’t going to compromise until he stopped that Elder Jeanselme figured out that he was going to have to sleep in the kitchen. And he did! He made a little bed out of the couch cushions with his pants as a pillow… Yeah, I let him back in, after he learned that I know how to deal with annoying.
3: We finally got a chance to do a real sit-down lesson with Jason (Lourie’s husband)! He’s been in Portland all month for his training. Dude’s gonna be a truck driver, so we haven’t really had a good chance to have a lesson with him. He hasn’t let that stop him from learning the gospel. Dude’s been reading and listening to talks this whole time! Truly elect.
2: I took so many notes during conference, I wish I had taken pictures, or wrote some of them down because they are actually pretty decent. And I also drew some pretty good stuff! My art is getting much better!

1: I can’t wait for all the conference talks to come to gospel library, so I can re-read them, especially the campfire one.

I love you all, and encourage you all to keep studying conference!
Elder Berky