Kansas City Temple after doing BaptismsJames and Ammon in the Truman Library/MuseumAnthony and Truman’s post-presidency carsJames and Sam posingAmmon at LegolandAmmon posing with Lego “mini-figs”Ammon and a wizard “mini-fig”Ammon building a race carMore buildingAmmon and a giant Lego footballBoys (and Dad) at the WWI MuseumWWI cannonAnother cannonMachine gunAnother machine gunTrench mortarTank (armament photos courtesy of Anthony)Lunch/dinner at local Mongolian Grill-type restaurantAnthony takes a selfie with Jacob in the background along with our rental cars and Pres. Truman’s home in Independence, Missouri – We stayed at an AirBnB across the street that was the post for Truman’s Secret Service detail in the 60s and 70sFar West, Missouri Temple SiteScenes from Adam-Ondi-AhmanAdam-Ondi-Ahman valley overlookThe family at Adam-Ondi-AhmanAmmon and Jacob get cozy at the hotel in Hannibal, MOSam and Jacob in the Mark Twain cafeSam, Dad, and JacobMom, Ammon, Ben, Anthony and JamesMississippi river boat tourDad and JacobBen and JamesJacob, Sam and Anthony catch some rays (and Zzzs)Ben, the ‘ol man of the river“Are we there yet?”Jacob’s bed in the kitchen of the old Nauvoo home we stayed inTouring the Browning gunsmithing homeAppreciating the Browning gunsMore gunsBrowning machine gunAmmon’s ready to rollGunsmith shopLearning how they made the barrelsHow they added the riflingInscription on one of Browning’s riflesEarly shotgunsAmmon approvedGuns + boys = smilesOne of the restored homes in old NauvooIn the wheelwright’s shop, showing how a wagon wheel was assembled and weatheredMonument to Sarah Leavitt on the “Trail of Hope” leading from town to the riverVisiting Carthage JailIn the jailer’s bedroom where Joseph et al were their last nightAnthony checks out the the original door and bullet hole through which the bullet that killed Hyrum Smith was fired Looking out the window Joseph Smith fell to his deathStanding below the upper windowPeriod “record player”Period pianoHorses that pull the visitor tour wagon around part of old NauvooMore horsesMore horsesAmmon poses at the Kansas City Federal Reserve Money MuseumSam curls some actual goldOld US coins on displayGold dollars in various denominationsBen talks to the pilot after our flight back to SLC