Wow. It’s really here. I can’t believe it. My last Email. Technically I could do one more, but I’m probably gonna be packing most of next Monday. The 2 years I’ve spent in Oregon serving the Lord have been the best 2 years not just of my life, but for my life.
I have been able to see other people change and come to accept Jesus Christ, and I’ve been able to see myself change, and I have been able to come closer to Christ. No greater lesson could be learned. 2 Nephi 9:17 Talks about the graciousness and glory of God! How wonderful, if you haven’t felt or thought about that this week, I invite you to. Take some time, do some pondering. Find where you have felt of God’s love for you. John 3:16 also testifies of this.
Well, I would love to say and tell more, but words can’t quite express what I wish too. Also I’m hungry and looking at this Chipotle gift card (Thanks Mom!) See ya in a week.
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky