Sorry for not emailing the past few weeks, my Gmail wasn’t syncing up with my phone, and lots of other problems. So after a couple of days working with Tech support, I got it fixed. They had to take Maas360 (the church’s nanny program) off my phone and put it back on. It was kinda weird seeing youtube on my phone. The weirder part? I’ll have that in 11 weeks.
Yeah, I’ve only got a little bit left on my mission and We’ve been going HARD. Or at least we will until we get quarantined. Yes that’s right, this Coronavirus has got everyone acting CRaZy! We’ve had several conference calls about it, and even got a load of extra cash to stock up on food for 2-3 weeks in case us missionaries get locked up. (Pic included) Don’t worry Mom, we also have plenty of frozen fruits and veggies.

Well, I’m no longer in Roseburg, I’ve been transferred out and came down to Medford! The North Umpqua area will be in the faithful hands of Elders Duering and Schmidt. I’m glad for my time there, but I’m also glad to be back where I started my mission. It’s like poetry. It rhymes.
At any rate, I came down to be a part of a baptism! Devin was baptized this Saturday and confirmed after some deliberation and confusion on whether it was happening or not. We got it okay-ed after being told it would have to be very short and small. We had no more than 20 people there, and Elder Line and I gave the only talk. Pretty wack if I do say so, but we got the most important thing done, so ehh who cares if it was kinda weird.
Speaking of weird, how about Sunday? No church as a missionary makes everything feel super wack. The sabbath didn’t even really feel like it, it was just a normal day of missionary work. I sure hope we get something figured out with this. But how inspired is our Prophet? He knew this was coming, so he prepared us for the past year to be getting used to doing scripture study at home!
I’ve got to say, I really like Come Follow Me, yesterday was the first time I’ve been able to actually do it. I look forward to doing more studiously at home with more than just one other Nerd.
Oh, by the way, that other nerd is Elder Line! My new companion is from Logan Utah, but will be going home to Kenya! He’s great, we’ve been grinding (as long as we don’t have any bike troubles) and he’s been out for just under 18 months. That makes us the oldest missionaries in the Zone! Wack.

Well, looks like the Zone Leaders are here, so imma head out and get some groceries. Need some more milk for my protein shakes. (Thanks mom!) I finally have multiple dumbbells so I can build up my body as a temple to God. Love you all, but Christ loves you more!
ya boi
Elder James Berky