Was plenty fun, got to see some of my mission friends, and Elder Seegmiller gave a great departing testimony.
3: Goats! We had a great lesson with the Browns, talking about how important the restoration of the Gospel is. After we were done they wanted to show us their goats. They were cool, and looked exactly like goats, I don’t know what else to tell you. Some of them were small, no bigger than a Labrador, and the Browns had no idea why they were so small. (Pic included)

2: My buddies! Got to see my mission friends at Zone Conference, like Elders Hyer, Griffith, Ethington, and more. It was really cool and good to see how much everyone has grown.

1: Mrs. Applesmith While tracting we ran into Mrs Applesmith, I forgot her first name, and talked about families for well over an hour while her grandkids played. She had been going through quite a bit lately, so us sharing the message of the Plan of Salvation really helped her out. It was good after a whole week of fruitless tracting to have a good experience with some one. Hopefully we can catch her again, she’s pretty busy.
I’ve been able to see my testimony grow much this week, I love the Lord, and my Heavenly Father.
Ya Boi, Elder James Berky