4: Title of email Elder Schmidt and I were having a nice conversation with an older guy about the gospel and. We told him our beliefs about how God isn’t just a mass of energy that became aware of itself, but is an actual living being. At any rate while we were talking about gospel stuff, this guy stops the conversation, and starts talking about how Donald Trump is the worst. I was like, What? What does that have to do with anything? He even recognized that he brought it up out of nowhere. Really wanted to say something, but it’s more important to be nice.
3: Finally! A new Couch! We have had half of a ratty, gross green sectional that we needed to shove up against the wall in order to use it for the longest time. Well I finally got fed up with it, and called our mission office asking for something that was more befitting a missionary apartment. So after some finacking to get it upstairs we now have a great new couch! Thanks El. Henreditty!
2: Exercising my talents! This week, as Elder Schmidt and I were wrapping up our family history session (Yeah we’re starting that now) I printed out some sheet music. It was something that I knew wouldn’t be to difficult, but still familiar, and that’s Minecraft! It’s the piece called “Wet Hands” and it’s not too crazy, but still has given me plenty of trouble with the key signature. But I’m figuring it out! That’s not the only talent that I’ve been working to improve on, I’ve also been practicing my sketching. I unfortunately don’t have any pics of my sketches, but they’ve been pretty good. I’m trying to get realistic looking motion down, instead of just all my drawings standing still, with their hands at their sides.

1: Member lessons, all day, Every day We’ve been trying to get to know the ward better, so we have been calling up lots of members and setting up lessons with them, not only during the usual time during the evening, but also during the day as well! It’s been going very well, and we hope that the momentum will continue so that we can meet all the members of the ward and be really close with them! Another great thing is that Elder Schimidt and I have been able to practice our teaching together. Every single time you get a new companion there’s a space of time where you try to figure out each other’s teaching styles, and get in unison. Elder Schmidt and I are already there I feel, because we have been teaching so often!
I’ve been able to see my testimony grow a lot this week, through the constant bearing of it in all our lessons.
Love you all
Ya Boi, Elder James Berky