It is finally that time, Transfers! Elder Horne and I have had a good run, but now it’s time for him to turn the area over to me. I will be getting Elder Schmidt, I’ve been around him before and He’s great!
3: I really didn’t want to lose this challenge As a district we wanted to spice things up for the last week, so we decided to focus on our purpose. For each part of our purpose we taught, we got a point. Whoever got the most points won a neat little knick-knack, and all those who lost, had to put condiments on their companion’s face, along with Taki’s (super spicy chips) and then wipe it off, and eat this face-sandwich-abomination. Unfortunately we lost because the sister’s fear drove them to get 70 points, so I had to get BBQ sauce poured all over my face, then Elder Horne had to eat a sandwich off me. He almost puked. I had to eat a sandwich off my Zone Leader’s face, and it wasn’t that bad, just wrong. Oh well, guess I’ll have to grind harder next week.

2:Sarah the skull crusher There are some members who are so kind as to let us do the laundry at their place who have the greatest dog ever! She is so sweet, playful and knows when you have to go, it’s okay. One day when we went up to do a load of laundry we saw her playing with a new toy, and so we asked for it so we could throw it. When Sarah happily trotted up, we saw that it was a deer skull! Neat, so we threw it around, and went inside to do our laundry. When we came out, she was sitting in the grass, just tearing this skull apart, absolutely going to town. Kinda surreal honestly.

1:Banana car Speaking of surreal things, we saw a banana car driving to McDonalds. I took some pictures because I knew I’d never see it again. Wack.

Sorry for not putting in anything super spiritual, this has kinda been a weird week. All the people we have been teaching have dropped us, all in weird ways too. But oh well, stuff like that happens, gotta keep working hard and find new better people to teach!
Ya Boi
Elder James Berky