Not too much to talk about I’m afraid, its been very slow, so let me think of what I can say. I’m just gonna look at the pics I took and talk about what I see.
3: Exchanges! We had exchanges with the zone leaders and it went well, nothing much to report except for a nice lesson with a lady named Gina. Couldn’t teach her for too long cause it was cold and she had to go inside.
2: Drawing bread people For our D&D games I came up with some original ideas for enemies and NPCs. Bread and banana people; one is civilized and the other tribalistic. So to show the others what I was thinking I drew them! I thought they turned out pretty well all things considered.

1: Ward mission leaders dogs When we went to our ward mission leader for dinner he had two big dogs that were the best!

That’s kinda all I have, sorry I’ll try to get more interesting experiences to tell yall about this upcoming week!