We sure had a busy week, now that I think about it. Zone conference on Wednesday, interviews on Saturday, and all sorts of stuff that happen in between.
6: Sweater weather! This whole week has been very rainy and cold. As I was looking through my pictures, I noticed that every single one of them was raining and Elder Horne and I were wearing sweaters. Kinda funny, just noticed it. The kicker will be later in this week when we are supposed to get snow all up through Thursday! Pray for our little Corolla and that it will be able to stay on the road. I miss my Tacoma.

5: Super discount! When Elder Horne and I were looking for service, we saw there was a Salvation Army near our place! We went over there, and to make sure that they could use our help we looked through their store a little bit. Walking past the board games we noticed a familiar green box. Betrayal at House on the Hill! The price tag said $ 200 so we weren’t sure if it was two hundred dollars, twenty dollars, or just two dollars. So I took it up to the front desk ready to pay for $20. It was used, and I wasn’t sure all the pieces were there, so that was an appropriate price. But when I asked, the cashier said “Yeah, that’s $2.00” I even asked if it should have been twenty dollars, but they insisted on Two dollars. So I bought it with the Christmas money Grandma and Grandpa Berky sent me (Thanks!!) With the exception of some loose slider pieces, everything in the game is there!
3: Zone Conference Was great, talked a lot about the new handbook, and how the Bretheren know that we are out here to be converted and to convert, not be be baby-sat. It was also really good to see some old mission friends!

2: Interviews Also went well, I went in wanting to tell President Orton that North Umpqua needs to be white-washed (taking both elders out, and bringing in two different elders) but as I was saying the opening prayer, the Spirit whispered to me that that was the coward’s way out, and that I needed to work hard to bring this area back to life. So I told President that, and he was rather impressed that I was so willing to listen to the Spirit and accept the path the Lord has set up and prepared. I also got to call my son (Elder Stringham) and ask if he’s seen my flash drive with all my mission pictures. That was nice.
1: A Sunday of ups and downs! After Church we went back to our apartment and had lunch, while we were eating, we called one of the people we had been working with, Lena. She told us that she didn’t want to meet with us anymore. We were devastated. She was coming along so well! So we told the members that she was being friends with to keep being friends with her. Instead of being really sad, we decided to go out and work even though it was raining. We didn’t really find anyone except a snake. (Pic included) Then I used the wonderful technology that God has given us to teach a lesson to my friend back home. When your day is going the wrong way, work and do all that is right in the sight of the Lord.

Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky