4: Christmas the last This Christmas was kinda weird, because I was thinking the whole time; This is my last one. That was really weird. It was good though, we had fun, and we all got some great presents. I got plenty of gift cards and socks. Thanks everyone I really do appreciate it!
3: How did our car not get stolen? As we came out of Walmart with our groceries, Elder Horne started to feel around in his pockets for the keys. He couldn’t find them, so he started looking through his groceries to see if he might have dropped them in there. Nope.avi, nothing was there. Starting to get worried, we quickened our pace to the car. Maybe he left them in the car? We talked to the sisters just before we went in, so maybe we just forgot? Approaching the Silver Corolla we saw that the headlights were on, and it was sitting there, humming. We had left the keys in the ignition, and the car running!! Sometimes the Lord protects us and our belongings, even if we don’t deserve it because we are dumb.
2: Dear the MORMONS Is what we saw when we walked up to a door of a lady we’re trying to teach. A small envelope taped onto her door sent our minds immediately to the worst. When we took it down, we read a really pleasant note from Cheyanne, saying she was sorry that she couldn’t meet with us that Thursday because she was having Christmas with her family. Lesson learned, don’t immediately assume the worst.
1: Splits with the Zone Leaders! The zone leaders had double booked themselves, and so needed our help with their lessons. It was fun spending an hour or so with Elder Romriel. When we went back to their apartment I saw a flag crumpled up in the closet. Pulling it out, I saw that it was an American flag! I got kinda upset at the disrespect that previous missionaries showed it. So I took it out, ironed out the creases, and hung it up for them. Feels good man. Oh, tangentially related I saw a book at Costco that was the Constitution and all the Amendments! I was so excited, mainly because we got a gift card from a member this Christmas! But when we came back they were all sold out! I mean, nice! So I asked a lady where I could get one, and she said online. So I’m going to do that now!
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky