Yep, I’m getting transferred. On one hand I’m excited cause I’ve been in Klamath for a while, but on the other, Christmas is in like 2 weeks. Kinda hoping to stay for the Holidays, but oh well.
4: Sporadic Snow! We have been getting very random and not long lasting snowfall. It isn’t really a white Christmas, just kinda brown.

3: Saying Good bye! It’s been kinda weird going around and saying goodbye to some of the people in the ward. Unfortunately some of them didn’t answer, and the other elders will have to tell them I said bye.
2: Christmas Caroling! You know what’s fun? Christmas Caroling as a zone! Visiting people that we’re working with, letting them know that we care for them, it’s great. You know what’s not fun? Going to someone’s place and they’re moving lots of stuff and their neighbors are having a domestic incident on the front lawn. That was crazy.

1: Let’s have a fun time. In our down time Elder Randall and I have been playing a very loose version of Dungeons and Dragons. It’s a lot of fun, and we’ve been doing recordings of them as we play. It’s been good to keep his mind off of him going home and the girl problems he’s been having. Poor guy.

As I’ve been going about this week I’ve thought about what presents to get my companions. They aren’t the biggest, most expensive presents, but they’re thoughtful ones. Ones that I’ve spent time thinking about. That is the same way that we should think about Christmas and Jesus Christ. We can’t get him a physical pair of shoes or something, cause he doesn’t really need them. (I’m sure he has the best pair of Vans that ever did exist) and I’m not sure if USPS delivers to the Celestial Kingdom. But what we can do for Christ this Christmas is show that we do think about him, and care for him. Read your scriptures, be it Luke 2 the Christmas story, the Old Testament which foretells his birth, or the tale of the believers who were saved by the sign of the Messianic babe’s Birth in the Book of Mormon. That is something that is immeasurable in the eyes of God and his Son. Merry Christmas, watch the Christmas story for me, cause I don’t think that our mission President will approve that one. Hopefully we can watch Polar Express, or Muppet’s Christmas Carol!
Ya Boi
Elder James Berky
Here’s my new apartment, if you have a box of Chocolates, a package, just want to send Domino’s over, or SWAT me, whatever works for ya.
#### NW Edenbower Blvd Apt ## Roseburg OR 97471