4: I would call this a snowpocolypse, but almost everyone has 4-wheel drive We got about a foot of snow, which was okay for the missionaries, but it seems that even though Klamath Falls gets regular snowfall each year, everyone forgets how to drive in it! But I guess that’s the case everywhere, crazy Oregon is no exception. It’s been fun, helping push people out of snow banks, and get started on icy roads. But even we are not immune to the perils of jack frost, and this Sunday we got ourselves soundly stuck in a ditch. Everything was fine, we got out with the help of some members who we called, but it gave us even more reason to call our Vehicle Coordinator and request some new tires. Those guys are as bald as Patrick Stewart!

3: Get in the Christmas Spirit! Looking in one of the storage closets, we found a bunch of Christmas stuff. Being only a day or two before Thanksgiving we decided to set as much us as we could bear! Which was a tree, some lights and a couple of stockings taped above our heater. Santa’s better have his HVAC knowledge up to date to get in! 🙂

2: Thanksgiving! Was good, shoveled people’s driveways, a guy that the 5th ward Elders are working with, and then some older Italians who really couldn’t do it themselves. It was great, they were super appreciative. After that we headed back, showered, got dressed and headed to dinner with some members. They gave us a couple boxes of Krispy Kreme Donuts, because they had ordered 327 dozen and could spare a few (It was for a granddaughter’s fundraiser) After the great Thanksgiving dinner we had desert with some more members! I was so stuffed at the end of that night, we all slept soundly.Â

1: Our singing is finally up to snuff! We are going to be singing “What Child is This” for our Zone conference this week, and we’ve been practicing for the past couple of weeks. Finally our choir teacher (Sister Cosper) said that we did good on our first try! I typically forget about how much I love singing and music, until I get a chance to practice the talents that the Lord has given me. Then do I remember how good it feels to make music. I think I have an audio recording of one of our practice sessions somewhere, I’ll have to find it.yeah, I found it, and it is pretty obvious that it is an early recording. I promise we sound better than what it is, and I’ll get a recording of the actual performance.Â
I love you all, I love the Savior and the various ways he speaks to us. Be it Miracles, the Holy Ghost, Music, Prophets, etc. All we have to do is open our eyes and see those messages he gives us.
Ya boi,
Elder James Berky