This has been quite the musical week, let me tell you about it!
5: Musical part 1 You know how I said we were practicing for zone conference? Well, so did others for our conference but we can definitively say that ours was much more musical, and practiced. I’m sorry I didn’t get a recording of the final product, but I might when we gather together for Zone P-day. If so, I’ll just send it as a follow up to this email. I love singing.
5.1: Musical part 1.1 For unto us a child is born Some of the things talked about in Zone Conference was Isaiah 9:6, and discussion about Luke 2. As we were reading that, the voice of my mother rang in my head, singing Handel’s Messiah. I couldn’t stop thinking about it during the rest of the meeting being overcome with the spirit. On our long car ride back home from Medford to Klamath I looked through my flash drive for the album that I knew I had. Earlier in the week, I also wanted to listen to it, but I couldn’t find it at all, I realize now that the Spirit wanted me to listen to it when I would appreciate it the most. Elder Randall unfortunately didn’t appreciate it as much as I did, but I’ll work on him. He will love classical by the time I’m done with him lol.
4: Musical part 2: Others singing is also good! Our stake put on a Christmas concert, and it was very well done. They had invited people from all over the community to sing, including this one Pentecostal pastor, who was an incredible tenor, and pretty funny. (We talked to him afterwards) It was great to invite people to, because it was disarming enough, and fun so people didn’t feel super pressured when we let them know about it. Guess what they sang? Parts from Handel’s Messiah. Yeah. Great night.
3: Music of breaking metal Well, it’s not really music, but it was loud, and is very frustrating. Our bench broke. One of the bolts that was holding it together lost it’s head, and now the bench, while standing is not something that I want to put any weight on. Super unfortunate, but we can get a better bolt from Home Depot today. No biggie, just really annoying.

2: Lots of service! We have been doing quite a bit of service for everyone in the community, be that with helping people deal with the snow, chopping wood, help them move, literally anything. It’s good to be out there, being seen and increasing people’s perception of Christ’s true church.
1: It is time for a talk! Our bishop asked all 4 elders to give talks in sacrament. Mine was much shorter in sacrament meeting, but I took some time, and embellished it a little bit. Here ya go;
The Atonement is the most important event in history. This is an indisputable fact. So what is the Atonement? It is the event recorded in Mathew 26:36-45, Mark 14:32-41, Luke 22:39-46 and one measly verse in John 18:1. I love reading over the accounts of the Atonement, I do it every week as the sacrament is being passed. There’s something incredible about having that connection between the simple ordinance we partake in and the record of the reason for this ordinance. Shifting gears for a minute here, Christ truly is the reason for the season. As Christmas approaches like a freight train our minds turn to the tradition started by the Magi, of bringing and bearing gifts. As a child the best part of Christmas is getting and opening presents under the glowing tree, but often as people mature, giving gifts brings more joy than receiving. When those wise men came and bestowed their gifts of Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh they knew it paled in comparison to the gift that child would one day bring them. The gift of the Atonement, and the remission of their sins. Let us not forget, nor suffer our close friends, our loved ones, our little ones to forget the greatest gift of all, that of freedom from spiritual bondage brought by the Messiah. The Atonement is the enabling power that has been given to all of us freely. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthen me.” All those things that Paul was talking about could only be done through the Atonement. Christ truly is there while you go through trials and struggles. I am reminded of a primary song, “If the Savior stood beside me” Although the message of that song is to be more Christlike, it also cemented in my mind the reality that the Prince of Peace is with us through all our dealings. He is with us because when going through the Atonement, sweating his great drops of blood he experienced everything that we have experienced, felt all that we have felt, and knows all that we are going to go through on this great journey that life gives us. But like any present, you can talk about how pretty the wrapping is, or how useful it will be when opened, or speculate how exactly it works, it is all hot air. Unless you open up that present, see what was lying underneath the thin decoration and totally appreciate what you have been given. We can appreciate the gift of the Messiah through repentance. As Alma the younger teaches in Alma 36:12-24, repentance although initially scary brings complete and utter JOY! Is that not what we want in this life? Joy? My favorite part of that scripture is 19&20; “And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!” As deep and horrible our sins and experiences were, so they will be flipped, completely inverted by Jesus. There must be a repentance process undergone first, but the first step seems difficult and scary, but is honestly rather easy. Alma said he “Remembered the words of his father” and he cried out to the King Emmanuel he had that miraculous spiritual healing. When others cause us harm we MUST allow them to use that same gift we are all given. It is not to us to decide who receives forgiveness, as D&C 64:10 says “I the Lord will forgive him who I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.” The Atonement is Christ’s gift to all his people, just the same way how I allowed my brothers to play with and use some of my Christmas presents, so must we allow others to use Christ’s gift. Speaking of my Christmas presents, I am reminded of a time a while ago when I saw a big present with my name on it. Upon further inspection, I figured out that it was Legos! Truly, the greatest Christmas present. As time went on, and Christmas day drew nearer, I found myself wondering what the Lego set could be. I imagined myself playing with a rocket ship, or a big robot with guns. Finally the day came when I could rip apart the blue and white paper that obscured my new toy. It was a Star Wars AT-TE walker! I knew it exactly, and could show you the exact scenes in which it features in the movies and shows. After thanking my parents, I pulled out the bags full of tiny pieces, making sure I didn’t lose any. Looking at the booklets I saw that this was much more complicated than the rinky-dink airplanes my brothers and I had cobbled together in the past. I got overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. My toy was seemingly ruined because I knew not how to use it. My dad is a much smarter man than me, and although he didn’t know what exactly this Sci-Fi walker was, he did know how to read the instructions. My dad help me build this behemoth Lego tank is one of my favorite Christmas memories. We must do the same with our friends and wayward family, who are sitting amongst piles of wrapping paper with their presents in their hands, unsure of how to use the gift that their Saviour has given them. There are many out there who teach people how nice the gift is, but not how to use it. As members of Jesus Christ’s church restored in it’s fullness, you know the Atonement works, and it is your responsibility to teach others how to properly use it. D&C 6:9 says; “Say nothing but repentance unto this generation; keep my commandments, and assist to bring forth my work, according to my commandments, and you shall be blessed.” This Christmas season, not only give others fun presents that they’ll enjoy for this life, but gifts they’ll thank you for eternities. Let them know how much you love them by teaching them how to use the Atonement. I testify of these things, by the name and power of Him who descended below all things, even Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, Emmanuel, King of Kings, the Lamb of God, Amen.
Love ya,
Ya Boi
Elder James Berky