5: Elder Stringham’s enjoying Oregon! My trainee is Elder Stringham, he’s from South Jordan Utah, and we’ve had a good time working, and getting to know the people of Klamath Falls!
4: Time to go to leadership conference! I am very much absolutely ecstatic to go to a leadership conference that I have heard my zone leaders complain about for the past 18 months! For some reason President Orton wants to bring all the District Leaders to participate. Lucky me, I wonder what he is going to talk about that requires the district leaders to be there.
3: I am going to purchase a Del Taco cheeseburger I will not say anything further about this subject.
2: It’s so nice to be able to study the scriptures For the past week, we haven’t had the chance to do a normal personal study, because of meetings and the such. So when we had the opportunity to do a 45 minute session before church, it was incredible! I was able to read about faith and how we need to be watering that seed continually. After a week of not having a study that hit me hard. I will do my best to do studies even on days with meetings.
1: It’s nice seeing my old companions As my Zone leaders, I’ve seen Elder Randall before, at transfer spots and Zone conference, but it Has been quite some time since I’ve seen Elder Jeanselme. It’s been good catching up and seeing how much we’ve grown as people in the past year and a half.
I love you all, and want to let you know that Jesus loves ya too!
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky