4: Transfer calls!! We got our calls from president Orton and while I will be staying in Klamath, I will be training! I’m heading up to eugene for a couple of days, and then I’ll bring my trainee all the way down here. Long couple of days in the car ahead of me.
3: White washing Zone Leaders? That doesn’t happen But it did! Elder Jeanselme and Randall will be coming in, two of my previous companions! It’s going to be a lot of fun.
2: the 2020 Tacoma has an eject button Not really, but our new 2020 Tacoma does have an automatic 911 button. It’s pretty neat, pretty clean, and has under 1000 miles on it. I’m never going to drive a car this nice or new again.
1: lil Thanksgiving! Because we are impatient our zone is doing a little Thanksgiving today. Complete with stuffing, green beans, rolls, rotisserie chicken (cause Turkey is expensive) and more. I’ve actually gotta start cooking the green beans now, so don’t have much time to embellish. Here’s some pictures!
Love ya – Ya boi,
Elder James Berky