I really can’t think of any other title for this email. It’s been a pretty chill week. I’ll try to think of some things worth writing down lol.
4: We really should form a moving company A member was moving into our ward, and so for a couple of days we helped them move their stuff out of 3 storage sheds into their big house. It wasn’t really big, but it had very tall ceilings and all the trimmings of a rich person’s house. But when I got to looking at it, it really wasn’t that big. But hey, we got a KFC and Little Ceaser’s lunch out of it!
3: Interviews went well We also got pizza for interviews! This has sure been a pizza-fueled week, I need to get a couple salad lunches. But yeah, interviews went great, I think I might be leaving Klamath, but I don’t want to jinx anything. Oh, I also had to re-do my temple recommend cause it expired. So I got to hear the new temple recommend questions only a couple weeks after they had been read off the pulpit!
2: Dudngons adn Dgarons lite Yes I am aware of how I spelled that. After the day is over, and we’ve put everything away that needs to be put away, Elder Hoenigman has been DM’ing for us in a very loosey-goosey dungeons and dragons game. We have only 1 dice (12 sided) and it all started off with; “Elder Smith, a bear takes a swing at you in the woods, what do you do?” “He doesn’t try to bite me or anything?””No, be’s boxing you out. What do you do?”
1: heading to mount ShastaWe have enough miles, and hikes are fun. Also we have some people we can visit in the small towns that-a-way.
Ya boi,
Elder James Berky