Honestly, this week didn’t hold anything too exciting. I may be getting to the point in my mission where this becomes mundane, after all, I have been doing it for ~18 months now. But let’s get into some events.
4: Bible study and Game night We have been meeting with a guy Joel and his theologist friend Ethan lately. They also run a bible study and game night on the campus here. We got invited, and honestly besides the Spirit-less bible study it was fine. I’m really glad that I was blessed enough to have been born into the true church, because all other churches can be proven wrong logically. I think that’s really why we were led there, To see how empty other churches are. Aside from some neat knowledge about history, there was no spirit. They certainly did have plenty of board games however! Aunt Julles you have nothing compared to them! Literally every game I could think of, or have seen in an obscure Eugene Oregon nerd shop, was there. Reminded me of some games that I’m definitely going to pick up when I get back, and have money and space for.
3: Sure, why not go to 2 sacrament meetings? Along with covering the Klamath Falls 3rd ward, Elder Hoenigman, Smith and I also cover the Keno and Yanna Valley branches. After church here in Klamath, we decided to send it the 30 minutes to the Keno branch and grow their Aaronic Preisthood class by 200%. It was cool, we met some cool people, and felt a great spirit there from the people who were so committed to the gospel that they were both the conductor, opening and closing prayer. (Very small branch)
2: Zone Conference Went over great, we had plenty of good segments, plenty of cringey segments, and segments that made me say; “If someone mentions the Hobbit one more time, I WILL consider it cannon” (Also, I am looking for cheap Tolkein books at thrift stores now for my morning studies) But I think the greatest part of Zone Conferences are the opportunity you get to meet the different missionaries that you haven’t seen for several months, catch up and see how each other have grown. It reminds me of the time when the Sons of Mosiah and Ammon meet up again after having completed their missions, and they talk of the success they had among the Lamanites, and how they glory in the Lord. (It’s Alma 25&26)
1: Swedish Meatböl? Because we have been able to pool 3 elder’s grocery budgets together we have been able to make better dinners for ourselves. My personal favorite was our Swedish Meatballs, fried in butter. We felt so bad after eating them, but it hurt so good. I think I have a picture somewhere.
I love the great goodness that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Greatness like Swedish Meatballs, and other such wonders.
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky