5: I don’t have to worry about speaking spanish! That’s right, my companion elder Holiman is no longer with us, and I am a Tri-panionship with the Zone Leaders! It’s been fun so far, knocking on people’s door, and suprise! I’m there! It’s also fun just walking down the sidewalk, which are designed for 2 people, so someone is usually left walking in the street, or left behind.
4: Pizza time! So we haven’t had pizza at all this week, I was just thinking about Spider-man 2. Point is, we’re going to be doing some great dinners, now that we have the collective money to do stuff like Swedish Meatballs, and Chicken Pot Pies. So if anyone wants to send me some recepies, that’d be great!
3: Richard R has a fantastic house! That sounds like a movie title, and it would make a cool movie. Brother R is a member that we tracted into, and because it was cold out, he let us in and gave us a tour of his house that he has been remodeling. It is a masterpiece! Although small, because the house was built in the 1930s, there are a lot of hidden gems in this guys’ place. He has a fantastic kitchen with all sorts of neat appliances, and his shower was the shower that Elon Musk probably has. My new goal in life is to have a house like Brother R.
2: That’s all the snow we got for this cold? I want a refund. It has been getting CHILLY recently, and tracting has been ‘fun’ because of it. Everyone takes pity on us, but hardly anyone is letting us in. 🙁 We were hearing some rumors about a nasty snowstorm coming our way on Sunday, and the clouds rolling in were incredibly threatening. When I woke up Sunday morning, expecting a white Christmas, all I got was a light frosting of the trees and rooftops. I was upsetti spaghetti. Should’ve learned from No Man’s Sky, don’t fall for the hype.
1: Baby’s first district council! So after ~15 months of being a missionary, President Orton finally held me down long enough to make me district leader. And even with no training, (Still haven’t gotten any btw) my first district council turned out alright. We talked about how we can teach like The Master, and the ways that Christ taught. It went well, and I hope that I can pin President down long enough to get some actual advice on how to be a District leader.
Well, that’s all folks!
Love Ya Boi
Elder James Berky
Picture is of Last Transfer when we helped the senior couple in Alturus, California with their technological problems.