Wow, this week has flown by! It feels like I say that every week though.
5: So we’ve started working out with Bruce Lee every Monday. Not THE Bruce Lee, but he still works us hard. We’ve been doing chest and legs, and let me tell you, I hurt all over. But it’s a good hurt, a hurt that will build into something else. I’ve lost some weight, put on some muscle, and can now climb hills without being too out of breath.

4: Joey and Liz are so ready for the gospel! Joey and Liz are a fantastic couple, when we are teaching them, we have to hold back otherwise we would flooding them with too much gospel! They just ask so many questions, and are really excited for it. The spirit is so strong whenever we meet with them! The only problem is they have to run their business on the weekends, otherwise they would get baptized!
3: Grocery outlet is the truth! So I severely over-budgeted, and so I only had a $20 for groceries. Luckily grocery outlet covered me! We’re just going to be having Chicken, Rice, and Broccoli. I learned my lesson, and am going to be sticking to my budget strictly!
2: Talking about movies. Elder Hoeningman is a huge movie guy, and so when we have been together we talk about movies and stuff. It’s a good time, and I’m running out of things to write about….
1: Friday Feast! Every Friday we all get together and make dinner. This week we had chili. It was super chill.