4: Unfortunately not for our area But it doesn’t matter where, as long as they have entered into a covenant with our Heavenly Father. The first one was a baptism of an 8-year old that our Zone Leaders tracted into (interesting situation there). Then, we headed to a baptism for someone that Elder Clark taught when he was on campus. That was great, the missionaries who baptized her also did a wonderful musical number. Then after a full day of tracting (more on that later). Our Zone had 2 more baptisms. Those 24 hours were fantastic, spirit led, and spirit filled.
3: 12 hours of tracting! Something else that we did on Saturday was a nine-to-nine, where we got together as a zone, shuffled companionships, and tracted from 9 in the morning to 9 at night. Of course we took time out to go to baptisms, but you get the point. It was great, I talked to plenty of people, got a recommendation on some bluetooth headphones, and told a Buddhist we would get him a Cambodian Book of Mormon

2: But I will not be able to follow through with any of that 🙁 Because I am getting transferred. Yep, after only a short 6 weeks in Eugene I’m heading out. I’ll be going to the southern Part of the mission, Klamath Falls. Oh, the best part? I’m going to be white-washing again! My companion is coming in from the northern part of the mission, so we both know nothing about the area. Yaaay! I know that I’m being tested for something however, so I’m going to step up in ways that I haven’t been stepping up in. This will be a great growing experience.
1: Griff is metal AF I just remembered! During our nine-to-nine Elder Griffith and I came across a baby hummingbird! Cute right? NO! This little guy must’ve hit a car or something, because his beak was ruined, his jaw broken, his wings broken, several bald patches on his tiny body, etc. So, we picked him up, and asked someone if they knew where an animal hospital was, he didn’t (he also didn’t want to hear our message), so we prayed and felt that we should call a local animal care place. They said that their bird guy would be out until Wednesday, but we could take the bird to a wildlife refuge. We asked if they would just put him down and the lady on the phone said “Yeah, probably, as bad as the bird sounds.” We said don’t worry, we’ll deal with it. So sad. I knew what was going to happen as soon as we saw him, but still wanted to see if we could give him a chance.
I love you all, and can testify that the day of miracles has not ceased!
Ya Boi,
Elder James Berky