3: A very wholesome c-head We were out walking back to our apartment in 92 degree weather and 50 something % humidity. Needless to say, it was toasty. OH? A c-head is approaching? Well, he can’t tell me to drink water without getting any closer. Oh ho, come as close as you like! Sorry, point is, we came across a c-head who made sure that we were staying hydrated. He was very nice.
2: A double-booked night is a crazy night Elder Clark and I made an oopsie and double booked lessons. One with a lady we had been teaching for a while, and a less-active family. When we realized that, we scrambled to call the zone leaders, and get everything set up. It all turned out great, I had a fantastic lesson with Darcy, the investigator and Elder Clark had a great lesson/dinner with the less actives. I swear I’m not jealous of the enchilada dinner. I promise.
1: Public transport is the worst. So we wanted to go to lunch with the 2nd ward elders, but we’re kinda far apart, with no cars. So we went to Hot Mama’s Wings, but it was a 30 minute ride. It took another hour to get back by riding the bus. In short, I don’t like being poor and don’t like the bus.
Look at this big truck!
Love yall. Ya boi,
Elder James Berky