We got transfer calls, and I’m heading back to the Valley! Santa Clara, to be specific. I’ll be with the other Elder Clark, Elder Cole Clark. Elder Chris Clark (My current companion) is also leaving! He’s going up to Newport! I’m Jealous. Replacing us in this area are sisters!
5: Packing and Cleaning time! We have been packing ever since, and cleaning. Because sisters will be taking over this apartment, we just can’t leave dirty counter tops, and unvacuumed carpets! Luckily we did that deep clean of the floors and bathroom the other week.
4: Why isn’t anyone home? On Tuesday we were tracting for 2+ hours and only talked to 1 person! She was a member, so while that was nice, it still was a little discouraging. So we decided to head to the shops and see if we could talk to people there. It was pretty successful, we talked to plenty of people, and saw some pretty cool shops. That’s definitely one thing that I’ll be coming back to Coos Bay for, check out the shops with actual money.
3: Haircuts are very nice, especially when they’re free! I was getting a little shaggy, so I needed a hair cut, but I also wanted to save money, so I asked if any of the missionaries cut hair. Elder Weston did, and he hooked me up! Besides, even if he didn’t, the only difference between a good hair cut and a bad hair cut is 2 weeks.

2: Swap Meets are fun, if you have money! Elder Hyer really wanted to go to the swap meet, and I was down. After all, Grandma and Grandpa sent me a very nice card and some cash, (thanks by the way) and I promised myself that I would buy something responsible with it. There isn’t much responsible stuff at a swap meet, I looked for some weights. They didn’t have any, but they did have some tempting stoner hoodies and Murcia belts. But I am strong, and definitely didn’t buy an ammo box.

1:Beach time is a good time! Because it’ll be the last day a lot of the zone will spend on the beach, naturally we were over there for a good time! I flew my kite, we played ninja, and just had a good time!

Love you all, and hope you have a great week, I’ll be emailing you next out of Santa Clara!
Ya boi Elder Berky