5: Two exchanges in one week? is that legal?
We had exchanges planned with the other Coos Bay elders, but we forgot about our exchange with the zone leaders. So we hastily scrambled and moved appointments around so we could fit both. They went like so;
4: Chris might be dead now
Elder Mooney and I were out tracting, and we saw a junkyard — I mean house that could use a little cleanup. Somtimes these kinds of houses will get a little upsetti spaghetti when you try to talk to them, so I was looking around for a “no tresspassing” sign, hoping to have an out. I didn’t see any, so we started walking up to the house. As we were picking a path through the yard, a man came out of his trailer. His name was Chris, and he was dying of heart problems. We had a great conversation about the plan of salvation, and gave him a Book of Mormon. He’s a referral over to the spirit world elders lol.
3: Exchanges with the Zone Leaders!
We did some work in both of our areas, Unfortunately Elder Weston and I didn’t really find anybody. Well I guess we ‘found’ a nice Jehovah’s Witness named George. He was nice.
For some reason, I was the only one in the exchange who wanted to drive, so I got to drive a Nissan Rouge again! They’re nice, and I’m sure I won’t drive a car so nice ever again.
2: Bannana Bread!
Elder Clark loves banana bread, and I’m just along for the ride. Every week he gets a bunch of bananas to brown and prepare for bread. For a whole hour our apartment smells like heaven. Then 5 minutes after it comes out of the oven, it’s gone.

1: Burning a shirt!
So the tradition when you reach 1 year is to burn a white shirt. I hit a year a couple weeks ago, but I just didn’t have the time to burn a shirt. So when we were on exchanges I brought a shirt along to burn. It was fun, we burned a lot of stuff besides shirts. It was a lot of fun. I think I posted it on instagram if you want to check out the full video. Lol, gotta get that shameless plug in.

The first chapter of Saints 2 is out! so go check it out and get hyped for history+gospel=a good book!
I know that Christ’s gospel is the only way to peace and happiness, both in this life and the one after.
Love ya
Ya Boi Elder Berky