Usually we wear our suits once a week, at church. But this week we wore them a total of three times (3)! That’s almost more times than I can count! Let’s talk about that.
5: Zone Conference Was very good this week, we had it in Roseburg, and all the talks were good. Elder Ward got V E R Y excited over some fruit, our sisters had a great segment about personal study. Personal study is nice, because it just makes the day go by so much better. The days where I don’t have a personal study just seem, darker for lack of a better term. So do yourself some personal studies and see how much better the day goes.

4: I can sing a song (so can 4 others in our zone) I totally forgot, we had a musical part in zone conference! We sang “Saviour Redeemer of my Soul” and it went down great! I’ll have to see if we can do it again so it can get recorded lol. I was singing the harmony and it was pretty difficult because I haven’t done any actual singing for a hot minute, but I got it after a little practice. (And audio recordings of the piano)
3: This one’s also about zone conference It was just an eventful day okay? The first event that we started off with was getting up early. Like 5:00 early, because Roseburg is 3 hours inland, and we wanted to be there early to practice our piece. We got a ride with Port Orford, and as soon as we got in the car, Elder Clark and I fell asleep. Or as asleep as you can be in a little Corolla. After a couple hours I woke up, and said “Oh hai ocean” But Roseburg is inland remember? WE HAD BEEN GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION FOR TWO HOURS Cowabunga time. Elder Ream flipped the car over. Around, he flipped it around and floored it. You know how we have those little government wiretaps in our cars? To track our speed and make sure we don’t do anything too crazy? Well, the Lord understood that we REALLY didn’t need it just then and the little Orwellian-nightmare box stayed off for the majority of our way back. We definitely topped out around 85-95 on our way back. We changed our arrival time from 10:30am to 9:15am. That right there is a miracle. Another one? We didn’t see a single cop.

2: Interviews took all day Our interviews were at 1:00, but the Coquille elders were at 9:00. We did not plan on going to interviews with them. But the Coquille elders did! So we came to interviews with them. And were there all day. It was good though, President Orton and I talked about training, which I’ll probably do in next transfer, or the one after that. So I’m excited. It’ll be a great experience. (That was the other time we had to wear a suit)
1: Dodgeball is a very good thing A kid that we’re working with, Mason has come to dodgeball quite a few times, but this time was evidently the best. We had plenty of people there, and it was just fun. I need to get some pictures, it’s a good time.
Bonus: Stake Conference/Sunday was fantastic! Unfortunately we didn’t have anyone we are teaching come, but it was a spiritual experience nonetheless. Elder Acosta of the seventy came, and shared his re-activation story, it was wonderful. Then his wife shared a story of her family in Mexico, who she didn’t know if they stayed active or not, but was able to find out through family history. Moral of the story? Do your family history.
After stake conference we had lunch, and went to go talk to a lady named Linda, who was out working on her slug bug. I know jack squat about cars, but Elder Clark does! He helped her put the headlights in, and I kept the dog busy. It was a good way to go. We set up a lesson with her this Thursday, and it will be fantastic. She’s ready to learn, and has some real promise!
After putting her car back together took longer than expected we had to book it to make it to the F- (everyone say Hi!) who had us and the other elders over for a dinner/lesson. Dinner was curry (very good) and the lesson was on the commandments (even better) the Spirit was testifying so strongly of the message of the commandments. They aren’t here to hold us down, but to lift us up. All of the commandments bring blessings, ones we see with our eyes, and those we don’t see. We have to feel them out, seek them out.
Well, that’s all I’ve got for today, and in case I don’t see you tomorrow,
Good Morning,
Good evening,
and Good night!
(That’s what he says on the Truman Show, right?)
Ya boi,
Elder James Berky