6:We biked to the other end of the world and back. Twice. First off, my bike’s fixed. I kinda wish it wasn’t, cause we have been biking absolutely EVERYWHERE
There are just parts of our area that we just don’t visit because it’s so far out. But with bikes we can get out there! We got to talk with a really nice lady named Linda who was working on her lawnmower. We talked with Linda for about an hour and a half. When we went back to talk with her we saw her talking with her neighbor! So we talked to the both of them about the gospel for a good long while.
5: Scones are easy to make if you don’t actually make the scones. Pillsbury biscuits, when split into pieces make very good scones. They puff up and are very good. But more importantly they are cheap! Gonna be making those more often.

4: Don’t trust Google! We were going to go on a hike at Golden and Silver Falls, but No one knew how to get there. So we plugged the name into Google maps and headed out on our 45 minute journey. Well, after arriving at our destination we were told by Google that it was a u-turn, and we had to head back 10 minutes in the other direction.We eventually did get to water falls, they were cool. Here, have some pictures!

3: I kinda fixed my glasses. Kinda So after waaay too long of wearing my square glasses I decided to fix my circles. Well, I don’t have any glue, or tape, or flex seal, so what do I do? What do i have? Thread. I have thread. So I wrapped the leg with thread and tied it to the frames. But as you can expect it didn’t work out all that well. Guess I’ll just have to take it into an actual shop or something.

2: We talked to another Linda! She s talked to missionaries in the past, and liked it a lot! So We stopped by and saw her working on her VW beetle, good thing elder Clark is a car guy so we helped her out. Or he helped her out. She might be coming to church next week!
1: Giving a blessing on the side of the road is Very spiritual. As we were taking a (much needed) rest on the side of the road after biking to east side a car pulled up. A lady leaned out the window and asked if we were okay, I lied and said I was fine, and then we got to talking. She’s a homeless member of the North bend road, and wanted a blessing. It was loud but spiritual, and if that were the only reason we rode over there, it would’ve been worth the whole ride.
☠-us round! Anti-mormon zombies! The lady Gail wasn’t actually a zombie but her anti might as well be. What I’ve learned about all anti is that it has been shot down, blown up, and disproven so many times, but it just keeps coming back. Like zombies. Get it? Any ways, we knocked into a lady named Gail who left the church when she was 19, and has been an enemy of it ever since. We tried to resolve her concerns but once people have been like that for 50+ yrs they just don’t want to. As we were leaving she asked us to pray and the Lord will reveal the truth to us. So I took her up on it that night, and (shocker) the Lord re-affirmed what I already knew. It’s always good to keep praying about the gospel, and keep growing your testimony.
Love yall
Ya boi
Elder James Berky