Yeah, I got sick again, not enough veggies and staying up too late playing board games will do that to ya.
1: Before I got sick we had a good gospel talk with D- D- is a pastor for the local – – church and we help him out with pickups and stuff. As we were driving out to some Boonie area to pick up a couch we started talking about the gospel. It was a really good conversation, we talked about how the gospel will bless us in our lives as we let it in. God isn’t passive in his love for us and we shouldn’t be passive in our worship of him.
2: Yee Haw Hyer Just watch the attached video for this one lol
3: Safety Zone marathon!! A couple of months ago, the church put out some safety videos for the missionaries. You can watch them on gospel library (Go to Missionary>Missionary Training>Safety Zone have fun cringing yourself into a singularity) We had to watch them (duh) to make sure we stay safe and all. However, you must watch them through the missionary portal, and check off when you’ve finished watching them. I had watched all if them before, but on someone else’s account, or on gospel library. Which led to Saturday, when we got a call from the mission office telling us we had to both watch them. Oh joy. So we made our way to the church, sat down in the family history center and spent the rest of the day there. The sisters dropped by for a few minutes, and we talked while the videos played in the background but that wasn’t enough. Those videos are cringy as a trench-coat wearing middle schooler whose favorite character is Shadow the Hedgehog.But that time dis allow me to recuperate from my sickness without just sleeping the whole day long.
4: What kind of sickness? Cold+Flu+some kinda Local thing I was starting to feel it on Tuesday, and it hit me hard Wednesday after service. I was out of it Thu and Fri. Was feeling well enough Sat and was pretty much fine for church. CHEST VAPOR RUB FTW!!
5: The Feng Shui just isn’t right in this room. So while I was incapacitated on the couch in the Empire elders apartment, they decided to re-arrange the furniture after they got back from service. I wasn’t much help, but I was a pair of eyes and a steadying hand. Moving desks to a new study room, changing where the couch is, and throwing a fake fireplace in a spot where it really won’t be used but dang does it look good, makes an apartment feel much better! Bigger too!
6: My second Phone Call home! Is what I’d be saying If the change a few months ago didn’t happen. Regardless I tried calling home anyways. Huh, the Wi-Fi at the Empire elders apartment is a little weird. Huh, maybe it’ll fix itself in a minute. Nope. Well, let’s text the member they live with. No response. Okay, how about we go knock on their door? Nothing. Okay, I’ll just wait until elder Kerbs is done talking with his family, then I’ll call the old fashioned way. That’s how what lead up to the mother’s day call. Pretty silly but whatever, it was still good.
7: I wish to burn this puzzle While I was waiting for the phone to be free, I decided to do a 500 piece puzzle with the end result being a nice dock scene. IT TOOK ME 4+ HOURS!! The whole time i was muttering like a madman, listening to classical music, and occasionally yelling nonsense. It must’ve looked like quite a scene. Then I called mom, had a nice chat, and I finished the puzzle. Except for 1 missing piece. I’m fine with that though. Honestly.
Well, for today’s pday we’re going to the beach, so I’ll be sure to take plenty of pictures! (As you do at the beach)

Love ya
Ya boi
Elder Berky