1: Phase 2 So what phase 2 is, is the second part of mission efficiency improvement, the main thing being member involvement. Members will be involved with the people we are teaching within 48 hours of us “finding them” which is fine.
2. Sand boarding will bruise your freaking tailbone. Yeah, we went sand boarding. Which is a lot like snowboarding, but for stuff that’s coarse, rough, and gets everywhere. I’ve never played with any type of board before so I was 100% new to this. It was a lot of fun, and I’ve totally bruised my tailbone. Oof ouch owie, my bones.

3. Elder Bangader Is an area seventy who came to our mission to help roll out this new phase 2 program. It was really cool, he talked about how it got approved by the quorum of the twelve! I thought that was really cool, cause I like learning about the internal logistics of how stuff works. What I learned is that it not only passed a logical perspective, but they sought the approval of the Lord as well.
4. Seeing other missionaries! Because an area seventy was coming we gathered the mission into 2 big zone conferences. The northern half, and the southern half. Getting to see some of the missionaries who are up north was great! Especially since i might not get to see them again! We will be losing a lot of missionaries coming up soon, so our mission will be getting pretty young. But it was great to see them!

5. I am a boat-man! Helped out a jew named Doc on his boat.

6. Fat ole Borger from Vinnys Yeah, look at that guy, I had the food sweats something awful that night. #worthit

Love y’all I’m going to go ice myself. Oof. Ya boi
Elder James Berky