So this week was fairly uneventful so far, so I’ll struggle to figure out something to write. Hmmmmmmm…. Time to think
1: A crazy lady named J–. So Edler Hyer and I were looking for something to do, and were told to go visit a lady named Joann. So we did, and she talked about her whole life story for 2 hours! We tried to talk, but she would just keep on going. Eventually we were getting tired, and so we asked if she would like to be baptized on May 25th! She off-handedly said yeah, and kept talking about her life. We told her that we had to get going, and talk with somebody else, and dipped lol. The next day we got a call from the mission office saying that she didn’t want to talk to missionaries anymore. Oh well, we would;ve just wasted time there anyways.
2: The babysitting ended!! We finally split up with the other coos bay elders, cause Elder Kerbs was finally well enough to not nap all the time. So we went out and did some regular work in our area for once.

3: No we’re not joking, come be a missionary. Right now. We had dinner at the G-/S- (These interesting Ciabata sandwiches with ham, caramelized onion, peppers, avocados, etc. It was really good) And they have a 14 year old son, A-. We were joking about how he could come out and do missionary work with us since he wasn’t going to do anything else for the Sunday night. It was joking at first. Then we went out to go contact a guy who’s talked with missionaries in the past! Giving A- a taste of what really being a missionary is, the guy didn’t answer. So now we had to find something to do, visit less-actives! Well, nobody answered. So we all agreed it would be best if he just went home. Yup, a day in the life of a missionary. Yee Haw A-, there’s so much too look forward too.
4: Gordon Ramsey showed up for our district council! If you don’t know who he is, go look him up, he’s real funny and angry. But it wasn’t actually him, it was Elder Kerbs pretending to be him. Our task was to make him a 3 course meal in under 45 minutes. Playing as the role of the angry britbong chef, he yelled at us as we prepped him lunch. (He paid for all the ingredients. The don’t call him Kash Money Kerbs for no reason!)

5: Cheap audio equipment?? Yes Please!!! As we were doing service for Salvation Army I noticed a mic stand for $5!! It was brand new, too, in the box and everything! Then to top that off, I found a pop-filter for $8!! “I don’t have a use for that now” I thought “But I can send it home and use that in my computer setup!”Unfortunately I didn’t have my wallet, and by the time I came back both were gone! So sad, it was some nice stuff!
Anyways, I’m getting hungry and I’ve got a subway gift card burning a hole in my pocket. Love you all, and so does the Lord. It’s important to remember that, as you go through life you’re not alone. Oh that I had the voice of an angel, that is the message that I would share with everybody.
Ya boi
Elder James Berky