So, I did it, I got to the coast during the summer! I’m excited. But you know what I’m not excited for? 2 hours of commuting each day.
1: Complaining time So, our apartment is out of our area, which is okay, the springfeild apartment is out of it’s area. It happens, you just have to do the best you can when it comes to the apartment situation in OR. But our apartment is 40 minutes out of our area, one way. It takes F O R E V E R for us to get anywhere. The reason?? We have no car, and the hills are alive with the sound of my complaining. The Coos Bay area is so dang hilly we loose 2-3 hours a day just walking.
2: Complimenting time My companion; Elder Robinson is pretty cool, he’s from St. George and is a hard worker for only having 3 months left. We are in a ward share with another set of elders, and they’re pretty cool. We’ve got Elder Kash “Money” Kerbs and Elder Zach “Served with me in Spring-a-ding” Hyer. They cover one half of Coos Bay, and Robinson and I the other. We hang out pretty often (Is this what college feels like?) Last night we stayed up till 1 playing Trivial pursuit (Jesus version) The people here are pretty cool, I haven’t really been able to get out tracting, but the people we have talked to are pretty cool. The food around here is nice, there’s this one REEEAAALLLLYY good place called Vinny’s. The whole place just has that Guy Fieri aesthetic to it.
3: It is very rainy. (Who’d’ve thunk??) So yeah, first day as we were walking to somebody’s place it started raining lightly. Because I am a silly boy, I thought that all I would need was a sweater.
I got soaked. That light rain starts to get heavier as you’re walking through it for 40 minutes. Lesson learned, take rain jacket. Maybe even invest in an umbrella?
This should be a good transfer, I’m going to work hard despite my challenges (These dang heck’n gay Hills) and prove to President that I should train. He’s going to need some trainers in the upcoming months. We have a group of 30 missionaries finishing up in a few months, and we’re going to get a group to replace them. Gotta let president know that he can trust me.
Love ya lots, here’s some basic white girl pictures that we took on the beach! <3