5: People have really been down to chat this week! We have had plenty of door-step conversations that lasted for quite a while! Which is a good thing, because we talk with people, but a bad thing because it takes up all of our tracting time. Our nights have gone something like this; Door 1: No answer Door 2: Took a pamphlet Door 3: No answer Door 4: Talk for a couple hours about life stuff. It’s nice to talk to people and be seen as human, but at the same time, we haven’t been finding as many people as we did last transfer.
4: We did not have a dinner Sunday night, so we had one with the Spanish Elders! Elder Griffith made some good pasta, and we played a game of Bible trivia that they found at a good will. (The Old Testament questions were the hardest)
3: Elder Randall without his meds is nuts! Because Elder Randall’s ADHD meds need to be taken on a full stomach, he decided to skip them on fast Sunday. Because his meds take a day or so to kick in, he was going nuts for a couple of days, which is what the video is. He’s fine now, but I was really worried to be tracting with him for a bit!
2: Service is picking up branches for hours on end!! A member in our ward had a ton of fallen branches due to the snow from a couple of weeks ago. So the zone leaders and us spent forever picking up sticks.
1: We saw a door chicken! As we were tracting, we saw a house that was being worked on, so even though we knew that no one was living there, we knocked it anyways. Right after knocking, Elder Randall noticed a chicken sitting in the screen door. He got scared, and I don’t blame him, after all, we weren’t near any farmland. A chicken is the last thing I would expect to see. (pic attached)
I love you all, and encourage you to read Alma 36:12-21. Repentance is rough to get through, but the joy that you feel is so much better.
Ya boi,
Elder James Berky