Due to the snow, our transfers were delayed by 3 days! People were packed up for 3 days, and living out of their suitcases. Elder Tarazon was not happy about that. I doubt anyone was happy about that.
5: Elder Randall enters the fray!! My new companion is Elder Randall. We have served around each other before, but not been companions. So it was cool to know the guy that I was going to be living with beforehand. He’s always ready to go out and talk to people, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because we get to talk to a lot of people, bad because he insists that we knock doors even after 8:30 (Nobody will talk to us, because it’s too late)
4: I listened to “Conversion of a Catholic” while waiting for the transfer van. If you have not listened to this talk, or even heard of it, I highly recommend you do. It’s about an hour long, but it is a fantastic story.
3: Talked with a guy, Mark, for a few hours to help him stay awake As we were out contacting we saw this dude who was grinding some rust off of a trailer. We went up to him and asked what he was working on. We found out that his name was Mark, he used to be a scrapper, but when that became an unprofitable business, he became a truck driver. He had a been up since the past day, just working on stuff, and we chatted with him about all sorts of things. (Who knew that LASIK surgery involved hooks??)
2: There’s a reason those ribs were $10 While grocery shopping (on a Thursday, how odd.) Elder Randall spotted a rack of ribs for only $10!!! It was a pretty good size too, so he didn’t even think when he snagged it. So we gave it a Good Ol’ Rub, (
?)and marinated it overnight. Come district council, when everyone came back with Arby’s, or Subway, we were sitting fine with a rack of ribs. As the prayer was finished we dug in, and found why it was ten bucks. These ribs had sooo much gristle and fat, there was barely any meat to speak of. Sure, had we BBQ’d it, it would have been fine, but because we could only roast it in the oven, that fat and gristle didn’t fall off quite right.
1: It’s nice to just have a gospel conversation. Often times, when we get into Gospel conversations with people, it’s not really a conversation but a debate. I get really tired of this, of making sure that I watch my words so that I don’t say something that people will misconstrue (If that’s how you spell it) So just talking about the nature of God and his love, is really refreshing. Even if we don’t end up baptizing them, we let somebody know what it is we believe, and we know what they believe. I guess it’s nice to be seen as a person and not “One of those Missionaries”I am very thankful for those opportunities, and I make sure that my Father knows I’m thankful. IN fact, that’s one of our companionship goals, to pray for thanks more often! I invite you all to do the same. After all, D&C 59:21 says “In nothing doth man offend God, save he confess his hand in all things” God is really not a dude that you want to offend, so show him you’re thankful!I love you, and I miss you…HHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGgggGGGGG
Ya boi
Elder Berky