Yeah, it has shockingly snowed in Springfield! Like, a lot. About 14 inches overnight! Because of that, the entire city is on shutdown, they just don’t have enough infrastructure to deal with this. The power is going out, the church building is getting… colder… there is little food… a fat tray of brownies, some slightly frozen salad. We might have to resort to eating each other. It’s getting darker as the snow begins to pile up against the doors. I fear we won’t be getting out unscathed.
5: Helping out at the Bishop’s Storehouse! For service, the bishop’s storehouse needed some hands moving microfilm from truck to truck. Took a while, and it was good work. We tried to convince the bishop to let us grab a few rolls of toilet paper and sugar, but they said no. 🙁
4: Oh yeah, Transfers!! So I will be staying, (Shocker) and Elder Tarazon will be heading to New Port to be in a tri-pan!! (Triple Companionship) He’s excited, mainly because it is the nicest apartment in the mission. Elder Randall will be replacing Tarazon! I’ve served around Elder Randall before, he’s a good kid, we’ll get some good work done.
3: The snow situation as of 10 o’clock We are at the church, hoping that there would be wifi/power, and there was for about 5 minutes. But it started to flicker, and went off about 30 minutes ago. It’s kinda cold, but we have jackets. The walk here took a while, which was cold, but fun. I brought some stuff in a p-day bag, but I was worried about the snow getting it wet, so I threw a garbage bag around it. I probably looked like a homeless man, but whatever I will be playing settlers of catan, and they won’t be! HAHAHA.

2: Helping people out (cause they don’t know what to do in snow) When we woke up this morning, there was snow everywhere, and without even really thinking, I put on some jeans, some spare boots that were lying around the apartment, and headed out to go shovel some snow. All our neighbors were just looking at it, and being wary of the falling branches. (Even the trees arn’t accustomed to changes in weather. C’mon you dang plants! Evolve faster!!) I asked one of our rather salty neighbors if he had a shovel, he grabbed one and I set at it. It was small and crappy but better than nothing. I tried my hardest but could only do a little bit, the big branches that had fallen really impeded progress so I only got a little done. Hopefully that makes it a little easier for the landlords. As we were walking to the church we saw a car stuck in the Walgreens parking lot, with two dudes behind him trying hard to help. We went over, and got him into a parking stall cause he was not going anywhere. It’s a good thing that he was working at Walgreens, cause we would not have been able to get him out if he had to go anywhere else.

1: Had some really good, genuine conversations about the gospel You have no idea how nice it is to just talk to people about Christ, not having to be in some sort of intellectual battle of the scriptures, and that’s what we had this week. We knocked on a door, and started talking to Brittany about the gospel, she’s Catholic but doesn’t go as often as she should. Then her boyfriend came out, and so we talked with Robert for a while about all sorts of different religions, what God meant to them, etc. they said they would love to come to our church (Didn’t show up (Hopefully because of the snow)) Then, later we talked with Andrea, who is a Pentacostal. We just chatted on her doorstep for a while about Christ, different interpretations of the Bible, Keanu Reeves, and the nature of God. She’s a cool lady, we’ll talk to her again if the weather permits.
Today will be a long day of playing Catan, and wondering when the power will come back on.
Love ya! Ya Boi

Elder Berky (P.S. We found a playground. And played.)