5: Yeah, big news, it’s kinda weird So I called home this morning as soon as P-day started, and talked to Mom for 20+ minutes. It was kinda weird, as the only other time I’ve called home was on Christmas. Surreal is the best way to put it.
4: Put somebody on date on the doorstep!! We were talking to this guy named Brenden, who has very little gospel knowledge, so after describing what baptism is to him, he accepted to be baptized on march 30th! Now we have to meet with him to actually teach him about how much God loves him, and the blessings that are in store for Brenden!
3: The Spanish Elders got kicked out of sacrament meeting! (and Relief society) The Spanish Elders who we share our ward with got kicked out of sacrament meeting! Why? Did their phone go off, playing loud Mariachi music? Did they bring chips and salsa and hold a fiesta during Gospel Doctrine?No.They were “too loud” while translating for the Spanish people who they brought to church. Yeah, the ward council told them they can sit out in the foyer to translate, but not in the back. This isn’t the first time that they have gotten backlash from our leadership, Bishop has repeatedly said that he thinks they shouldn’t be speaking Spanish at all, as they are in an English speaking country. Well, sure, but it’s better for people to learn the gospel using language that they know! We teach to understanding, not integration. Our leadership is wack.
2: Elder Tarazon and I found a game-breaking exploit in one of his card games Elder Tarazon has a game called “Smashup” it’s a lot of fun, and we have been playing it at night. The game is card based, of different factions, which are things like; Zombies, Dinosaurs, Superheros, bugs, Mythical heroes, etc. The way to win the game is by getting 15 victory points. These are gained by putting cards on bases and scoring. There is this one faction, the Aliens who score victory points just by playing one card. I figured out how to exploit this by picking the scoring cards up, and playing them again! This makes for a quick game, and a huge oversight on the game devs part. So we have added them to a ban list of other combos that are exploitative.
1: Interviews went well! (And late, as always) President and I talked about my potential as a missionary, I feel like I’m trying, but not hard enough. Going to be working on that more, studying harder, praying more fervently, and focus on getting out of the apartment more. That was the majority of my interview with president, but Elder Tarazon’s went for 30+ minutes. I really don’t know why President tries to keep to schedule, I’ve never had an interview day go according to plan. But that’s alright, it went well for everyone, and we got Mongolian Grill afterwards, it was pretty cheap too! (only 2 bowls tho)
Well, I’m going to call home right about now, so see ya next week!

Ya boi, Elder Berky